Panic Attack (Quick)

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"Noah! Noah! Over here!"

Puck blinked back the blinding lights of the paparazzi cameras as he searched for Quinn.

"Excuse me." Puck muttered, pushing through the crowd of people. He couldn't catch his breath so he walked over to the side of the building. He put his hand in his pocket to get a cigarette, but stopped himself.

"I lost you." Quinn said, frowning when she saw Puck. "It's okay. You're okay. I'm here."

Puck nodded slowly, but he couldn't speak.

"Breathe." Quinn ordered as she rubbed Puck's back. "Forget about the paparazzi and the interviews. You're with me and you're okay."

Puck closed his eyes and took a deep breath with control. He exhaled slowly.

"Good." Quinn smiled sympathetically. "Again."

Puck took another deep breath and slowly exhaled.

"Do you feel any better?" Quinn wondered.

"A little." Puck said softly as he opened his eyes. "I'm okay. And I'm sorry."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"I hate when you have to see me like this." Puck clarified. "It's embarrassing."

"It's not." Quinn shook her head. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Thank you." Puck said softly.

"I love you." Quinn reminded Puck.

"I love you, too." Puck told Quinn, pausing as he looked at her. "We should go inside."

"Whenever you're ready." Quinn nodded.

"Come on."

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