Bacon (Quick/Ruth)

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"Hey." Puck said softly as he knocked on his bedroom door. "Why don't you come downstairs and eat?"

"I'm not hungry." Quinn muttered.

"Yes you are." Puck noted. "I made bacon."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Come on." Puck requested. "Please."

Quinn took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She got up from Puck's bed, and the pair went downstairs.

"Noah James."

Puck paused and looked at his mom, who was in the kitchen. "I thought you were working."

"I have a headache so I came home early." Ruth replied, glancing at Quinn. "What's this?"

"Bacon." Puck answered. "For Quinn."

"Quinn's not eating bacon." Ruth shook her head.

"She needs to eat something." Puck stated.

"Not bacon." Ruth said.

Puck looked at Quinn and then looked back at his mom. "Quinn can eat whatever she wants. I'm not gonna let you tell her she can't."

"Puck." Quinn said softly.

"Hang on." Puck told Quinn as he looked at his mom. "She can have whatever she wants whenever she wants. You don't get to tell her otherwise."

"Noah James." Ruth repeated.

"Leave her alone." Puck commanded. "Quinn, come sit."

Ruth exhaled as she walked away, leaving Quinn and Puck alone in the kitchen.

"You didn't have to do that." Quinn noted softly with a small smile. "Noah James."

"Yeah, well, she's usually mad at me for something anyway." Puck shrugged. "Besides, you and the baby need to eat."

"Thank you."

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