Bash (Kurt/Puck)

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"Where is he?" Puck asked as entered the hospital, greeting everyone with hugs. "Can I see him?"

"Blaine, Burt, and Carole are with him." Rachel said. "We can take turns when they're done."

Puck nodded slowly as he walked away until he reached Kurt's room. He knocked lightly on the open door.

Everyone looked at him.

"Hey." Puck said softly. "I heard what happened and I just wanted to come check on Kurt."

"Can you guys give me and Puck a minute?" Kurt requested softly.

"Sure, Kurt." Burt nodded as he put his arm around Blaine. "Thanks for coming, Puckerman."

Puck nodded back as the room emptied out. He took a deep breath as he sat down in the chair beside Kurt's hospital bed. "You look horrible."

"Thanks." Kurt muttered as he looked at Puck.

"Sorry." Puck apologized. "How do you feel?"

"I probably look worse than I feel right now." Kurt answered with a small smile. "Painkillers."

"Yeah." Puck smirked. "Well, I'm gonna beat the crap out of whoever did this."

"No you're not." Kurt told Puck. "That won't teach anyone anything."

"It'll teach them to-"

"What are you doing here?" Kurt interrupted.

"After Finn died, I told you if you needed anything, I got you. And I meant that."

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