Eighteen (Beth/Quick)

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"B, you're gonna be eighteen on Thursday." Quinn noted. "What do you want for your birthday?"

"Yeah, if you wanna do anything illegal, do it before you're legal." Puck added with a smile.

Quinn gave Puck a look. She turned back to Beth. "I know your weekends are for you and your friends, so I was thinking dinner on Thursday night to celebrate? It can be just the three of us, or we can do something with the kids."

"Yeah, I'll think about it." Beth nodded.



"Happy birthday, Beth." Quinn smiled as the brunette led her sister into the house. "How was school?"

"It was school." Beth answered. "Hudson's at baseball practice. I'm gonna go do some homework."

"Homework?" Puck repeated. "School's almost over."

"Yeah, I have finals." Beth reminded Puck.

"Santana's gonna watch the kids later." Quinn added.


"The reason I wanted to have dinner just the three of us is because I wanted to talk to you about something." Beth began.

"I don't like the sound of that." Puck muttered.

"No, it's nothing bad." Beth said. "I just... with graduation coming up, I've been thinking a lot about my future."

"And what did you decide?" Puck asked.

"I don't wanna go to college yet." Beth blurted. "Maybe never."

Quinn bit her lip.

"I wanna go to New York and work on music." Beth noted.

"If you wanna work on music, you should stay here." Puck advised Beth. "We can help you."

"No." Beth shook her head. "I wanna do this on my own. I wanna go to New York and figure out who I am, and I don't wanna spend my whole life wondering if I made it because of my parents or because I'm actually good enough."

"You are good enough." Puck told Beth. "And if this is what you really want, your mother and I will support you."

"Thank you." Beth responded as she looked at Quinn.

"Your decisions are your own now." Quinn stated. "I'm proud of you for not being afraid to choose your own path."

Beth smiled slightly.

"And we will be front row at your first sold out performance at Madison Square Garden." Quinn said with a smile.

"And you better check in with Uncle Jake every now and then, okay?" Puck added.

"I will." Beth promised. "I'm really glad you're not upset."

"I wish you were going to college like we've always talked about, but you're an adult." Quinn responded. "You've grown into a really good person and I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you."

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