House Fire (Quicketh + fam)

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"Where the hell is Hudson?" Puck noted when everyone was outside.

"Shit." Quinn said, looking at the girls. "Where is he?"

"He's in his room." Lucy answered, tears streaming down her face.

"I'll be right back." Puck promised before running through the flames into the house.

Beth took Lucy's hand and squeezed it.

Quinn held Grace on her hip and closed her eyes to pray. She opened her eyes and watched the house burn while she waited for her husband and their son.

After a few minutes, Puck appeared outside with Hudson.

"Thank god." Quinn exhaled as she hugged Hudson and then Puck. "Are you both okay?"

"I'm fine." Hudson nodded as Lucy hugged him.

"Me, too."


The family of six went to the hospital so they could all get checked out for smoke inhalation, especially Puck and Hudson, who had been inside longer than the others.

"You saved all of us." Quinn noted as she looked at Puck. "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine." Puck said.

"You saved all of us, Noah." Quinn said again. "You're a hero."

"I'm just glad everyone's okay." Puck nodded. "And we have insurance on the house so we can-"

"I don't care about the house." Quinn interrupted. "Our things can be replaced. Our family can't."

"Yeah." Puck agreed.

"I'm gonna go check on Hudson." Quinn decided. "I'll come back with the kids after."

"I'll be here." Puck shrugged.

"I'm so proud of you." Quinn said softly as she kissed Puck's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Quinn walked out of Puck's room and headed to Hudson's.

"Hey." Quinn said, looking at Hudson with his sisters. "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine." Hudson promised. "How's Dad?"

"He's gonna be fine." Quinn answered, furrowing her eyebrow as a code went off and she saw nurses running past. "The doctor said both of you can come home tomorrow."

"Yeah." Hudson said.


Quinn headed back to Puck's room and froze as she watched the doctors work on him. She was in too much shock to cry or scream or react. All she could do was stare.

"No." Quinn whispered when the doctors and nurses stopped and started clearing out.

"Mrs. Puckerman."

"No." Quinn repeated.

"Mrs. Puckerman, I'm so sorry to tell you that your husband didn't make it."

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