Pretending (Quick)

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"Usually when a person ignores your calls, it means they don't wanna speak to you." Quinn said when she answered her phone.

"I'm sorry for all the calls." Puck apologized. "But I need a favor."

"Bye, Puck." Quinn muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Quinn, wait!" Puck exclaimed. He paused, waiting to see if she hung up. "I know things didn't end so well between us, but this isn't about me or us."

"Then what's it about?" Quinn asked.

"My mom." Puck answered. "She's in the hospital and she's losing it. It's pretty bad."

"I'm sorry." Quinn said softly.

"You don't have to do that." Puck responded. "But listen, she keeps asking for you, and I tried telling her that that's over, but she gets all worked up and... I know it's a lot to ask, but I was hoping you would come see her."

Before Quinn could say anything, Puck continued.

"You don't have to decide right now, but I figured I'd at least ask."

"I'll do it."


"I didn't think you'd show." Puck stated when Quinn got in his car at the Lima airport.

"Neither did I." Quinn confessed.

"Well, it's good to see you." Puck told Quinn as he started driving.

"You, too." Quinn responded.

Puck glanced at her.

"Though not under these circumstances." Quinn added apologetically. "I'm really sorry about your mom. How's Sarah doing?"

"You know Sarah." Puck muttered.

"She's lucky she has you." Quinn noted. "To help her through it."

"Yeah." Puck agreed as he pulled into the drive thru.

"I thought we were going to see your mom." Quinn said.

"We are." Puck nodded. "But I thought you'd be hungry after your flight. Did you wanna go straight to the hospital? 'Cause we could go back to my mom's until you're settled in."

"No, we can go." Quinn answered. "After we eat."



"Are we supposed to act like we're still together?" Quinn wondered as she and Puck entered the hospital.

"The doctor said to let her think her reality is real." Puck answered.

"So she doesn't know I'm coming?" Quinn asked.

"Right." Puck said. "And I didn't tell Sarah either."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"You can tell my mom whatever you're comfortable with." Puck added. "Are you ready to see her?"



The pair got in the elevators and headed upstairs. Puck led the way to his mother's room, and headed inside.

"Mom, I'm back. Look who I found."

"Hi, Mrs. Puckerman." Quinn said, putting a big smile on her face as she stood beside the hospital bed.


"I'm here." Quinn nodded, taking Ruth's hand.

Ruth smiled at Quinn. "Noah, let us talk."

Puck paused and nodded slowly. "I'm gonna go find Sarah."


"Hey." Quinn said as she joined Puck in the cafeteria. "The nurses came in so they asked me to leave. Where's Sarah?"

"She left." Puck answered as he stood up. "I should get out of here, too."

"Don't you wanna know what we talked about?" Quinn wondered.

"I don't care what you talked about." Puck said. "I wanna go."



"Sarah, we're back!" Puck called as he led Quinn into the Puckerman house. "You don't have to babysit me, Q. I'm not gonna drink 'til I pass out or anything."

"I know." Quinn nodded. "But we should talk."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow as he closed the front door and tossed his keys onto the counter.

"Your mom and I talked about-"

"That's between you and her." Puck interrupted. "I don't need to know."

"Look, I know your mom isn't doing well, but-"

"You think visiting her once means that you know?" Puck cut Quinn off. "You have no idea what this has been like, okay? So just..."

"If you don't want me here, I'll go." Quinn told Puck as she walked to the door and grabbed the handle.

"I'm sorry." Puck apologized as he put his hand over Quinn's. "I'm not mad at you."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"My mom hasn't remembered me in a while." Puck explained. "She remembers Sarah and she remembers you, but today was the first time she knew my name in, like, a week."

"I'm sorry." Quinn frowned.

Puck shook his head. "It doesn't matter that she can't remember me."

"She's proud of you." Quinn told Puck. "She told me I turned you into the man your dad never was, but that was all you, Noah."

Puck didn't say anything.

"And I'm proud of you." Quinn added as she squeezed his hand.

Puck nodded slowly as he leaned in and kissed Quinn.

Quinn pulled away and looked at him. "We shouldn't."

"Why not?" Puck asked softly.

"Because you're... you're not yourself." Quinn noted. "You're emotional and impulsive and-"

"I'm fine." Puck interrupted as he went to kiss Quinn again.

"Noah." Quinn shook her head.

"Fine." Puck repeated as the front door opened and Sarah entered. The teenager froze and looked at her brother.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"No." Quinn answered. "I'm gonna go order dinner."

Quinn excused herself, leaving the brunettes alone.

"Mom's dying and you're here trying to have sex?" Sarah asked Puck.

"People grieve differently." Puck muttered.

"You're disgusting." Sarah shook her head. "I know you're you, but are you serious? She's our mom."

"I know who she is." Puck said.

"Then why did you invite Quinn here?" Sarah wondered. "I mean, other than your inability to keep it in your pants."

"Quinn's here because Mom considered her part of the family." Puck stated.

"So she's not here for you?" Sarah asked.

"She and I aren't doing anything." Puck answered. "And we're not gonna get back together."

Sarah looked at Puck as Quinn returned.

"The food will be here in twenty minutes." Quinn told them. "Everything okay in here?"

"Call me when dinner's here." Sarah muttered as she walked away and went upstairs.

Quinn looked at Puck and raised her eyebrow.

"Everything's fine."

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