Belly Ring (Quicketh)

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"Beth, I just got off the phone with my..." Quinn trailed off as she saw the jewelry peeking out from underneath Beth's shirt.

Beth looked at Quinn. "With?"

"My mom." Quinn finished. "What's that?"

"A belly ring." Beth answered.

"When did you get that?" Quinn asked.

"I've had it for months, Mom." Beth stated. "What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is you went behind our backs." Quinn responded. "And it makes you look..."

"What?" Beth asked, folding her arms.

Quinn shook her head angrily. "I'll let your father deal with this."

Beth followed her mother out of her room, down the hall, and downstairs.

"Noah." Quinn said. "Did you know she had a belly ring?"

"What?" Puck asked. "Who? Beth?"

"Yes." Quinn answered.

Puck nodded and looked at Quinn. "Oh, we're mad about this."

"Noah." Quinn responded. "Of course we're mad about this. Belly rings are trashy."

"Santana had one." Puck reminded Quinn.

Quinn folded her arms. "Exactly."

Puck shrugged. "It's Beth's body. I don't care what she does with it as long as she doesn't get pregnant."

"Well, when she gets pregnant, it's gonna stretch out and look disgusting." Quinn replied.

"That's her problem." Puck pointed out.

"She's a minor." Quinn noted. "When she's eighteen she can get tattoos and piercings or whatever she wants, but not now."

"Okay... Uh, Beth." Puck said, turning to his daughter. "You're grounded."

"Grounded?" Beth repeated. "I've had it for months and you didn't care."

"You're grounded because you hid it." Puck replied. "If you came to us and said you wanted it, and we let you, then that's different."

"So how long am I grounded for?" Beth questioned Puck.

"Two weeks." Puck decided.

"Two weeks?!" Beth exclaimed.

"Two weeks without the car." Puck clarified. "Give me the keys."

"This is so stupid." Beth stated. "You two have done way worse by the time you were my age. You were never grounded."

"Well, I didn't have parents who cared about me or the things I did." Puck replied.

"I wish mine didn't." Beth mumbled.

"Three weeks." Puck decided. "You can use that extra week to think about if you really wish that instead of growing up very comfortable and spoiled, you grew up beaten and berated every single day."

"I'm sorry." Beth apologized. "I didn't mean that, but you said it yourself: it's my body."

"Three weeks." Puck repeated.

Beth huffed and handed over her keys before walking away and stomping up the stairs.

"Here." Puck said, getting up and handing Quinn the keys. "I'm not gonna be in the middle of this."

"Noah, we need to be on the same page when we discipline the kids." Quinn stated.

"She's a good kid." Puck replied. "She could be doing a lot worse, just like you and me, and we're lucky she's not."

Quinn didn't say anything.

"I don't care about her piercings." Puck stated. "She can always take them out. I don't want her doing drugs or getting pregnant or hurting herself."

Quinn took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Go talk to her before she dyes her hair pink and gets a Ryan Seacrest tattoo." Puck advised Quinn as he walked away.

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