In Memoriam (Quinn/NDs)

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When Beth was finally asleep, Puck sat down on his bed and began flipping through the yearbook. He had refused to look at it during school, afraid he would see pictures of Quinn and lose it. He hadn't cried over her yet, but he knew it was coming.

Puck looked at the pictures from sophomore year - it was Quinn's first year at McKinley, and also the year Puck got her pregnant. He smiled as Quinn's belly grew in each photo.

There were few photos of the two of them smiling together since they had fought a lot before Beth's arrival. One photo in particular stood out to Puck. He was hugging Quinn from behind, resting his hands on her large baby bump while she grinned happily.

Puck continued flipping through the pages, smiling at the photos from junior year and senior year. He and Quinn had gotten back together the summer before senior year, but were good friends and coparents in junior year, and there were tons of photos of the two of them alone and with their glee friends. Baby Beth even made a few appearances in the yearbook.

Quinn's graduation portrait stood out on the page. She looked gorgeous and genuinely happy, and it made Puck start crying. Quinn was so ready for her future, and she had been cruelly robbed of one. Even Quinn's yearbook quote was something beautiful and optimistic, unlike Puck's quote, which was something he had credited to Beth.

Puck took a deep breath as he continued flipping through. His friends had all signed the book, autographing their portraits and writing messages in the back. Everyone except Quinn.

Puck eventually made it to the memorial page with Quinn's photo and a paragraph to remember her. The school had written it - it talked about her grades and extracurriculars, but it wasn't personal.

The following page was a memorial page from Mr. Schue, Miss Pillsbury, and to Puck's surprise, Coach Sylvester. Each teacher had written a small paragraph about Quinn and who she was as their student and as a person.

Puck somehow kept it together for that page. The next page was from Quinn's mother. Puck couldn't even bare to read it. He flipped to the next page, losing it again at the memorial page from the glee club. Santana had spearheaded it, getting the approval of the rest of the club, but Puck had asked not to see it before it was printed.

It was heartbreaking, but perfect. Each glee club member had clearly contributed photos or words, and there were memories spilling out of the page. And everyone had written their name on the bottom, which was touching.

When Puck started to recover from that page, he flipped to the next one. He had almost forgotten that he bought a page:


The most beautiful girl, inside and out.
Talented, kind, intelligent, caring, strong.
The best partner and mother.

Our girl will grow up under your example of what a person should be

We miss you and we love you always,
Noah and Beth

A Collection of Glee Oneshots 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora