MILF (Fabrevans/Sam/Puck)

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"Puckerman." Sam nodded as Puck entered the locker room.

"Evans." Puck nodded back. He opened his locker and started going through his sports equipment.

Sam watched Puck.

"Dude." Puck said. "I'm gonna change now. Do you mind?"

"Yeah, sorry." Sam apologized, looking away.

"What's your angle?" Puck blurted as he changed into his football pants.

"What?" Sam wondered.

"Your angle?" Puck repeated. "With me."

"I don't know what you mean." Sam replied.

"Well, you've been acting like we're friends and then the minute I go to juvie, you steal my girl." Puck noted as he changed his shirt. "And now you're watching me."

Sam didn't say anything.

"Do I need to hit you for you to hear me?" Puck questioned Sam as he slammed his locker shut.

"N-No." Sam stuttered. "Look, I didn't steal your girl, okay? You and Quinn aren't together."

"Yeah, for now." Puck noted. "But what is it for you, the whole milf thing?"

"I love her." Sam replied.

"You love her?" Puck asked with a smirk. "You barely know her."

"I know a lot went down between you two, and I know you're still into her, but she's with me now." Sam stated. "So you should back off and let her be happy. After everything, you owe her that."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "Don't talk like you know about last year. You weren't here. You didn't know her and you didn't know me."

"Puck." Sam said.

"When you fuck up and hurt her, I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life." Puck promised.

"I won't."

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