Maternity (Schues/Quick)

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"Terri, how can our daughter have blonde hair?"

"Well, I have blonde hair."

"Yours is dyed."

"I'm sure it'll darken as she gets older. Mine did."

"You had blonde hair as a baby?"

"Oh, yeah. Mhm, of course."



Will furrowed his eyebrow as he looked at the photos of his daughter. He sipped his beer and continued scrolling through. He swiped past a photo of the glee club and paused as he went back to it.

Will went back to the photos of his daughter, but quickly returned to the pictures of the glee kids. He chugged his beer as he zoomed in on Quinn before going back to his daughter's photo. He looked at the glee club photo again and zoomed in on Puck.

"Will, it's late." Terri said as she entered the room. "Come to bed."



Will didn't sleep that night. He laid awake in bed while his thoughts raced and his wife slept peacefully beside him.

When the baby cried, he got up to tend to her, ignoring the new feelings of babysitter, rather than father.

In the morning, Will showered and got ready for work. He grabbed his things and left without saying goodbye to his wife before heading to work.

Will parked his car and headed inside, running into Emma in the halls.

"Good morning, Will." The redhead smiled.

"Morning, Emma." Will responded.

"Are you late for a meeting or something?" Emma asked. "Slow down."

"No, I... I just didn't sleep well last night." Will answered. "The baby kept me up."

Emma nodded slowly. "Right, well, I, uh... I'm on my way back to my office, if you wanna chat."

Will paused for a moment.

"I'll see you later."


"Will, why did you ask me to meet you here?" Terri wondered as she entered Will's office. She furrowed her eyebrow at the sight of Quinn and Puck sitting there.

"I think the four of us need to talk." Will noted, bringing Terri in and closing the door behind her.

"Are we in trouble?" Puck asked.

"We didn't do anything wrong." Quinn stated.

"Then why is Miss Pillsbury here?" Puck wondered.

"I'm here as a mediator." Emma responded. "And to support Will. As his friend."

"What's going on, Will?" Terri questioned him.

"I need you to tell me the truth." Will said, looking from Terri to Quinn.

"The truth about what?" Terri asked innocently.

"You know." Will insisted. "Just tell me."

"Will, don't do this." Terri said softly. "Not in front of everyone."

"Uh... can I go now? I'm gonna be late for basketball practice." Puck noted.

"No one's leaving until I get the truth." Will shook his head.

"Quinn, just tell him." Puck whispered softly.

"No, this is between husband and wife." Quinn shook her head as she stood up. "You can't keep us here. We didn't-"

"The baby isn't yours." Puck interrupted. "She's ours."

Will looked at Puck.

"Quinn and I agreed to give her up." Puck explained. "You guys needed one, and we thought she'd be better off with someone we knew, somewhere we could kind of watch her grow up. We were trying to help you."

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