Mommy and Daddy Fight (Quicketh/Jake)

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"Hi, Uncle Jake."

"Beth." Jake replied. "Hi. What's up?"

"Mommy and Daddy are fighting." Beth told Jake. "I heard them yell at each other."

"They did?" Jake asked. "It's okay, Beth. I'm sure they're not fighting. They're probably just talking too loud."

"Uh uh." Beth insisted. "They were yelling,
and Mommy was crying."


"Hey." Puck said softly as he entered the bedroom.

"Hi." Quinn replied as she wiped her eyes and sat up.

"I just got a call from Jake." Puck began. "Apparently, Beth called him from your phone."

"I've told her so many times to stop making calls from my phone without asking." Quinn noted.

"He said she told him we were fighting." Puck stated as he sat down on the edge of the bed. I told him we're fine, but are we?"

Quinn bit her lip and looked at Puck.

"I wanna work this out." Puck decided. "I don't wanna be the reason you're in here crying, so I'm sorry. We're a team and whatever you decide is fine with me."

"Thank you." Quinn responded.

Puck nodded. "I don't like fighting with you at all, but can we make a promise to never fight in front of or around Beth? I don't want her growing up like I did."

"I don't want that either." Quinn said.

"I promise to do my best not to fight in front of our daughter."

"Me, too."

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