Wrong Date (Finchel)

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"Now that you guys are getting married, did you ever tell Finn the truth about how you got back together?" Brittany questioned Rachel.

Rachel made a face and shook her head.

"What, Britt?" Finn wondered.

"Nothing." Quinn replied.

"Rachel." Finn said. "What's Brittany talking about?"

Rachel didn't say anything.

"Just tell me what's going on." Finn requested. "Please."

"Okay." Rachel sighed. "But just remember, this was a long time ago and we can laugh about it now."

"I doubt Finn will." Kurt mumbled.

"Anyway." Rachel continued, shooting Kurt a dirty look. "Before you and I got back together, we drunkenly hooked up."

"Yeah." Finn nodded slowly.

"Do you remember when I showed up to your hotel room?" Rachel wondered.

"Yeah, of course." Finn smiled. "Why?"

Rachel frowned and looked at the girls for support.

"Berry wasn't looking for you." Santana jumped in.

"What?" Finn asked, his smile long gone.

"I-I'm really glad you were there." Rachel stuttered. "But I was drunk and kind of upset, so I wasn't looking for something serious or complicated. Just a one night only kind of thing."

"Wait a minute, you came to my room looking for Puck?" Finn questioned Rachel.

"Yes." Rachel confessed. "But I'm really glad he wasn't there."

"Yeah, me, too." Finn stated. "I love when my girlfriend wants to have sex with my best friend."

Rachel glanced at Quinn and frowned. "Finn, it wasn't like that, okay? We weren't even together and I wasn't thinking clearly."

"So you settled." Finn noted.

"No, I didn't." Rachel replied. "I love you. I've always loved you, and... and Puck not being there was just another sign that you and I were meant to be."

Finn frowned and looked at Rachel.

"I'm sorry I never told you, but I'm really glad things worked out the way they did." Rachel explained. "Because I want you."

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