Getting Older (Quick)

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"Hey." Quinn said, entering the backyard. "I was looking for you."

"You found me." Puck noted.

"Are you okay?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." Puck said.

Quinn looked at him. "About drinking?"

"No." Puck shook his head. "Why would you think that?"

"Because it's been a long time since you've been closed off and upset like this, and last time you were drinking, so..." Quinn shrugged. "I'm not judging you. I just wanna make sure you're okay."

"I'm just thinking." Puck repeated. "About Sarah."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "Are you upset she's getting older?"

"Yeah, but it's not just 'cause she's not a kid anymore." Puck clarified.

Quinn nodded encouragingly and took Puck's hand.

"She's twenty now." Puck noted. "She's officially older than Finn."

"Noah." Quinn frowned as she put her hand on Puck's back.

"I know it's stupid." Puck said. "But he was like another brother to Sarah, too. He used to tease her with me, and he and Mrs. H always helped me with her when my parents were fighting or when she and I were home alone."

"He loved both of you. You were family." Quinn reminded Puck.

"Sarah probably doesn't even remember, but on her fourth birthday, my mom was working, so me and Finn made the day special for her until Mrs. H came home and took the three of us out for pizza." Puck continued. "But we played games with her and had a tea party and... he was a good brother."

Quinn nodded. "He was a good guy. And you meant a lot to him."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"I miss him, too." Quinn added. "It makes me sad that Beth doesn't remember him, and Hudson and Lucy will never get to meet him. He was a great friend and a beautiful person."

"He was." Puck said.

"I love you." Quinn said. "And Finn loved you, too. So much. He always hated fighting with you, and he loved spending time with you and Beth and me."

Puck bit his lip.

"And I think he's around." Quinn added. "I think he's been watching over all of us over the years - for the big moments and the little ones."

"Thank you, baby." Puck smiled as he pulled Quinn into his arms.

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