Truth (Quick/Shelby)

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Puck furrowed his eyebrow as he followed Principal Figgins and Mr. Schue into the office, where Miss Pillsbury, Shelby, and Quinn were seated.

Puck took the last empty seat and looked at his teachers.

"What's going on?" Mr. Schue asked.

"Miss Fabray has made a very serious accusation against Miss Corcoran." Principal Figgins noted.

"Quinn?" Mr. Schue said, looking at her.

"Shelby and Puck slept together last month." Quinn stated. "And even though he's eighteen, it's inappropriate for Shelby to use her position of power to seduce and sleep with a student, even if that student is Puck."

"Is that true, Puck?" Mr. Schue questioned him.

"No." Puck lied.

Mr. Schue raised his eyebrow. "Puck?"

"It's not like it's illegal." Puck responded. "Besides, it only happened once, and Shelby ended it. We were getting close because of Beth, and she was lonely and I was there."

"Miss Corcoran, my hands are tied." Principal Figgins stated apologetically. "I have no choice but to terminate you, effective immediately."

Shelby nodded slowly, her face was expressionless and emotionless. "Thank you for your time."

Shelby got up and Puck jumped up. "Wait."

"Puck." Mr. Schue said, gently grabbing Puck's arm. "Let her go."

When Shelby was gone, Mr. Schue, Miss Pillsbury, Quinn, and Puck left Principal Figgins' office.

"I should go warm up." Quinn decided.

"I'm benching you." Mr. Schue told Quinn.

"You can't." Quinn said. "You need me."

"I don't need you." Mr. Schue shook his head. "You're out."

"But I didn't do anything wrong." Quinn argued. "If you wanna bench someone, bench Puck."

"I'm benching Puck, too." Mr. Schue nodded.

"What? Why?" Puck questioned Mr. Schue.

"Because instead of performing, you two need to sit down with Miss Pillsbury and start working everything out." Mr. Schue advised them.

"Without us, you won't have enough people to compete." Puck pointed out.

"So we forfeit." Mr. Schue shrugged.

"Mr. Schue, it's our senior year." Puck reminded him.

"Yeah, some of us need glee for our college applications." Quinn added. "Can't you just bench us when everyone's back for regionals instead?"

"I can't do that." Mr. Schue said. "So the two of you will go with Miss Pillsbury while I find another replacement and get us ready to perform."

"You can't do that." Puck stated as Mr. Schue walked away.

"Let's have a little chat in my office." Miss Pillsbury smiled.

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