Alcohol Awareness (Puck)

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Puck slammed on the brakes of his motorcycle as he entered the school parking lot. He took his helmet off and watched Finn.

"What the hell, Puck?" Finn yelled as he and Kurt got out of the car. "You almost hit my car."

"My bad." Puck muttered, flinching at the loudness of Finn's voice.

"Just... be careful next time." Finn requested as Kurt headed inside.

"I will. Sorry."

Finn and Puck walked through the parking lot together, stopping by the dumpsters. There was a line of losers being thrown in the dumpster on Puck's behalf.

Puck high-fived the guys and stopped to watch.

"Puck, you coming?" Finn asked.

"I need a cigarette before class." Puck responded. "Gotta mask the smell of booze."

Finn furrowed his eyebrow.

"I'm kidding." Puck lied. "I'll be right there."



"Noah Puckerman, please report to my office immediately." Principal Figgins called over the intercom.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow as he shut his locker and headed to the principal's office. He walked in and saw along with Principal Figgins, Mr. Schue was there.

"What's going on?" Puck asked.

"Have a seat, Puck." Mr. Schue advised him.

Puck sat down in the chair beside Mr. Schue, and they looked at Principal Figgins.

"Mr. Puckerman, I overheard a conversation earlier today where someone suggested you were coming to school drunk." Principal Figgins said.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "Who said that?"

"A student." Principal Figgins answered.

"Who?" Puck wondered.

"Is this true?" Principal Figgins asked.

"No." Puck lied.

"Mr. Puckerman, may I take this opportunity to remind you that coming to school drunk is stupid, and drinking at your age is illegal?" Principal Figgins said. "Not to mention, you just came back from juvie and you're on probation."

"I know." Puck nodded. "I don't drink. Can I go now?"

"Principal Figgins, Puck is a good student." Mr. Schue chimed in. "And he's not displaying any signs of intoxication. I'm sure the conversation you overheard was a rumor or a misunderstanding."

"Fine." Principal Figgins replied. "But we are cracking down on this. I've had plenty of suspensions this past week, William, and if your glee kids-"

"They won't." Mr. Schue interrupted. "They're good kids."

"Okay." Principal Figgins nodded.

"Thank you for your time." Mr. Schue added as he got up. "Puck."

Puck got up and followed his teacher out of the office. He went to walk away, but Mr. Schue stopped him.

"My office."


The pair sat down in Mr. Schue's office with the door closed.

"Principal Figgins overheard Finn this morning." Mr. Schue noted. "He said you almost crashed your motorcycle."

"My bike malfunctioned." Puck lied. "But I didn't crash."

"Coming to school drunk is stupid, Puck." Mr. Schue noted. "But I'm more concerned with why you're drinking at eight o'clock in the morning."

"I'm fine." Puck insisted.

"Is this about Quinn?" Mr. Schue guessed. "You come back from juvie and see her back on Cheerios dating another guy, that's gotta be tough."

"I don't care about Quinn." Puck said, defensively. "Can I go now?"

"I'm not gonna force you to talk to me." Mr. Schue replied, getting up and opening the door. "But when you're ready, you know where to find me. Or Miss Pillsbury. Or Finn."

"I shouldn't have let her talk me into giving Beth up." Puck said softly.

Mr. Schue frowned and closed the door.

"I could've been a good dad." Puck noted. "She didn't even give me a chance."

"You're young." Mr. Schue reminded Puck as he walked back to his seat and sat down. "You're gonna be a good dad someday, but you and Quinn did what was best for Beth."

"She should've let her mom adopt her." Puck noted. "At least then we could both see her. And I wouldn't have nightmares every night about it."

"Is that why you've been drinking?" Mr. Schue wondered.

"When I wake up from another nightmare, I drink to go back to sleep." Puck confessed. "That's why I went to juvie."

Mr. Schue frowned. "I'm sorry, Puck. I know this must be hard for you, but it's gonna get easier."

"I loved her." Puck added.

"I know." Mr. Schue nodded. "It's gonna be okay. We're all here for you."

Puck nodded back.

"I think you should talk to Miss Pillsbury." Mr. Schue suggested. "Or even Quinn. At least she understands what it feels like."

"Quinn doesn't understand. She didn't care about me or Beth for a second." Puck stated. "She's too selfish. Look how fast she went back to her old life."

"Maybe that's how she's dealing with it." Mr. Schue noted. "You both loved Beth so much. You sacrificed so much so she would have a beautiful life with Shelby."

Puck bit his lip.

"It's gonna get easier." Mr. Schue said again. "But you can't come to school drunk anymore, especially not when you're driving, too."


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