Scandal (Quicketh + fam)

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"I need to talk to you." Puck told Quinn as he entered the den.

"Hey, sweetie." Quinn smiled. "I didn't hear you come in."

"Hi." Puck said, pulling away when Quinn went to kiss him. "I need to talk to you."

"We're in the middle of a movie." Quinn noted.

"This can't wait." Puck insisted. "Please, Q."

Quinn nodded slowly as she got up from the couch, hand on her baby bump as she looked at her three kids.

"B, keep an eye on your brother and sister."

Puck and Quinn left the den, heading upstairs to their bedroom.

"Noah, you're freaking me out." Quinn stated as she and Puck sat down. "What's going on?"

"I don't wanna freak you out." Puck began. "I need you to try to relax."

"What did you do?" Quinn wondered.

"I didn't do anything." Puck promised.

"Noah." Quinn said softly.

"Do you remember...?" Puck trailed off as he thought of what to say.

"Do I remember what?" Quinn wondered. "Noah, whatever it is, just tell me."

"Do you remember me?" Puck asked. "Like, how I used to be? You know, before I... settled down."

"What are you talking about?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"Okay, so you remember how I slept around when I was in the Air Force? And in Lima and L.A.?" Puck asked. "Like, when I was single."

"Yeah..." Quinn nodded slowly.

"I got a phone call from our lawyers today." Puck said. "Apparently, some chick is trying to claim I'm her kid's dad."

Quinn exhaled slowly. "So what do we do now?"

"I told the lawyers I think this lady is either crazy or just trying to get some hush money." Puck explained. "But I told them I'm not paying anyone off. I don't want anyone else to try this shit."

"What did they say?" Quinn asked.

"They're afraid this could get ugly." Puck stated. "They think the media will start to dig through my past, especially my sex life with older women."

Quinn bit her lip.

"But I told them I'm willing to take a paternity test or whatever they need to shut this down." Puck replied. "As long as that's okay with you."

"Is it even possible that you could be?" Quinn wondered.

"I don't remember her, but I don't remember most of the random women I slept with." Puck responded.

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"You're not a random woman, baby." Puck stated. "I married you."

Quinn took a deep breath. "Noah, I..."

"I know this sucks, but I'm gonna get the test done and then we'll put this behind us." Puck promised as he took Quinn's hand. "And if we don't get the results we're hoping for, we'll get custody of the kid."

Quinn gave Puck a look.

"Bad time for a joke." Puck noted. "But hey, seriously, it's all gonna be fine. You're the only one I have kids with, I promise."

"You don't know that." Quinn shook her head. "And what are we gonna tell them?"

"Nothing." Puck replied.

"We need to talk to Beth." Quinn insisted. "Actually, you need to talk to Beth. I need some space to deal with this."

"Don't start freaking out." Puck replied. "I'm sure it's nothing."

"Nothing is ever nothing when it comes to you." Quinn said softly as she walked away.


"Hey, kid. I need to talk to you." Puck said, knocking on Beth's door.

"What now?" The fourteen-year-old groaned.

"Before you see this online, I wanted you to hear it from me." Puck began. "But some lady is claiming that I'm her kid's dad."

"Are you serious?" Beth asked, her eyes wide.

"I'm working on getting this to go away." Puck promised.

"Do you think you are?" Beth wondered.

"No, I don't." Puck said. "I think this is a scam for five minutes of fame and some money, but I wanted you to hear it from me instead of at school."

"Wow." Beth nodded slowly. "So I could have a half sibling, like you and Uncle Jake."

"Will you stop that?" Puck requested. "Your mother is already freaking out over this, and I want everyone to stay calm until the results are in, okay?"



"Quinn!" Puck called as he ran through the house. He burst into the bedrooom. "Quinn!"

"I'm trying to nap." Quinn mumbled from the bed.

"Well, wake up, babe." Puck commanded. "I have good news."

"What?" Quinn muttered.

"All of the test results came back negative." Puck announced as he sat down on the bed. "It turns out that the only one I ever knocked up was you."

"Oh, thank god." Quinn said softly as she sat up and wrapped her arms around Puck.

"The lawyers said that this might stop other women from making these claims, but they're gonna make a statement later today anyway." Puck added when he and Quinn parted. "Actually, I'm gonna make it. I gotta go, I just wanted to tell you first."

Quinn grabbed Puck's hand, stopping him. "Come here first."

Puck grinned as he cupped Quinn's cheeks and kissed her.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Quinn smiled as Puck ran off.


"Thank you for giving me the chance to speak on this." Puck began. "And this is the only time I'm going to, so listen up."

Puck's lawyers gave him a look, silently reminding him to be calm and professional.

"Any claims about me fathering a kid with anyone but my wife are entirely false." Puck stated. "In this case, multiple tests were done, and all of them came back negative. I love my wife and my kids, and we shouldn't have to deal with this, especially not when we're expecting our fourth child."

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