Surrogate (Finchel/Klaine)

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"No." Finn shook his head as the machines continued beeping frantically. "No! Rachel, come on."

"Time of death thirteen oh seven."

"No." Finn repeated.

"I'm sorry."

The nurses quickly removed and disconnected all of the tubes and wires from Rachel's lifeless body. One by one, they slowly left the room, giving Finn time alone with Rachel.

Finn took Rachel's hand and squeezed it.

"Rach." Finn said softly. "You promised me everything would be okay. You promised me this would be worth it."

Finn let go of Rachel's hand and wiped his eyes. He was devastated, but more than that, he was angry.

After a few minutes with Rachel, Finn walked out of the room and headed back to the hospital lobby where Kurt and Blaine were waiting.

"Finn!" Blaine exclaimed.

"How are they?" Kurt questioned Finn.

"You shouldn't have asked her to do this." Finn stated angrily. "I didn't want her to, but she wanted to help you and... now I have to go home and tell my kids that they don't have a mother anymore."

"I'm so sorry." Kurt whispered.

"Don't call me ever again. For anything."


Finn left the hospital, but didn't go home. He knew the kids would be looking for him and waiting for an update, but he wasn't ready to deal with it so he drove around for an hour.


"Hey, Finn." Puck said. "Any news yet?"

"The baby's fine." Finn answered.

"And Rachel?" Puck wondered.

"She's not." Finn responded.

"What?" Puck asked.

"She didn't make it." Finn muttered.

"What?!" Puck exclaimed.

"I don't know what happened in there." Finn added. "She just..."

"I'm so sorry." Puck said softly.

Finn didn't say anything.

"Why don't you come over?" Puck suggested. "I can help you talk to the kids and you can-"

"No." Finn interrupted. "I can't right now."

"Well, you shouldn't be alone." Puck noted. "So come over. Sneak inside so you can at least-"

"Puck." Finn cut his best friend off. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I just lost my wife. I'm not ready to come home, and I'm not ready to tell the kids."

"Shouldn't they hear it from you before anyone else?" Puck asked.

Finn paused and thought about it. He knew Puck was right, but he wasn't ready.

"Come over." Puck repeated. "I'm about to go pick the kids up from school, so go in and go lay down or kick something or whatever you have to do. I'll bring them back and whenever you're ready to talk to them, we'll do it together."

"How could I ever be ready for that, Puck?" Finn demanded.

"That's why I'm gonna help you through it." Puck noted.

Finn sighed.

"Just come over and we can talk."


"I wanted to talk to you guys about something." Finn began.

"About what?" Christopher asked.

"Something bad happened." Finn stated, looking at Puck, who was sitting beside the kids.

"What happened?" Barbra wondered.

"Well, you know how Mommy was gonna have a baby for Uncle Kurt and Uncle Blaine, right?" Finn began.

"Mommy said it's a baby boy." Christopher noted happily.

"Y-Yeah." Finn stuttered.

"What happened?" Barbra asked again.

Finn took a deep breath and swallowed. "There were some... complications in the delivery room."

"Like what?" Christopher questioned Finn.

"The baby is okay." Finn told his kids. "But Mommy isn't."

Christopher frowned. "What's wrong with Mommy?"

"Mommy was so strong and so brave." Finn explained, his voice breaking as tears filled his eyes. "But Mommy is gone."

"Gone?" Barbra repeated.

Finn nodded. "She went to Heaven. She's not gonna come back."

Christopher and Barbra burst into tears, and Finn pulled them into his arms. He stayed strong, but he felt so broken, too.

The only thing worse than Finn losing Rachel was the kids losing their mother.

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