Dynamic Duo (Fuck)

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"Okay, guys." Finn began glee club. "We're gonna continue our lesson of dynamic duets. Ryder, you asked for an example."

Ryder nodded slowly.

"To kick things off, let's give a warm welcome to my other half." Finn said with a smirk. "Noah Puckerman!"

Puck entered the choir room with a grin on his face while everyone cheered and applauded. He greeted Finn with a high five before facing the students.

"Puck and I have been best friends since we were five." Finn told the students. "But we didn't start off as friends."

"We were on rival baseball teams and I kicked Finn's ass when he scored a homerun." Puck reminisced.

"And then my mom took us to get ice cream." Finn smiled.

"Sorry, what does this have to do with our lesson?" Ryder wondered.

"The lesson, right." Finn muttered. "Well, it shows you that Puck and I are kind of opposites, and we didn't get along in the beginning, but we've been best friends for years."

"And we've always lived by the motto bros before hoes." Puck added.

Finn gave Puck a look. "Yeah, after you got my girlfriend pregnant and made out with my other girlfriend."

"That second part wasn't really my fault." Puck stated.

"Anyway." Finn continued. "Puck's here so he and I can kick things off."

"And show you chumps how it's done." Puck added as he picked up the guitar. He looked at Finn as he sat down at the drums. "Hit it."


"It's been a few months, but we still got it." Puck noted when they finished their song.

"Yeah." Finn agreed, turning to his students. "So that's it, guys. Just like that."

Everyone looked at Finn and no one said anything.

"Just pair up and find a duet that works for you guys." Finn explained. "Like..."

"Artie and Tina." Puck nodded.

"Yeah, or Sam and Blaine." Finn added. "And Ryder and Jake."

"Jake?" Ryder repeated. "You want me to work with Jake? No way."

"The point of the assignment is to work with someone you wouldn't typically work with." Finn said. "And you and Jake are a lot like me and Puck."

"How?" Ryder asked.

"Well, for starters, he's Puck's brother." Finn answered. "And you're on the football team and can play the drums like me."

Ryder nodded slowly as he looked at Jake.

"So? You guys think you can handle it?"

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