The Truth (Finchel)

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"Finn, I have to tell you something." Rachel blurted.

Finn furrowed his eyebrow and looked at Rachel as he continued exchanging his books in his locker.

"It's something I've had suspicions about for a while, and I could be wrong, but when you care about someone, you have to tell them the truth." Rachel began. "Even if it hurts them."

"What are you talking about?" Finn asked.

Rachel bit her lip.

"Rachel." Finn said. "Do you know something?"

"Are you sure you're the father of Quinn's baby?" Rachel questioned Finn.

"What?" Finn wondered.

"I only ask because Puck rushed to Quinn's aid when she fell at rehearsal, and I saw them whispering in the choir room earlier." Rachel explained. "And rumor has it, you and Quinn never..."

"We didn't, but she said that the temperature of hot tub water helps sperm swim faster and..." Finn trailed off when he saw the look on Rachel's face.

Rachel didn't say anything.

"No, she wouldn't do that." Finn insisted. "She wouldn't cheat on me."

"I'm so sorry, Finn." Rachel apologized.

"She wouldn't do that to me." Finn repeated. "But he would."

Finn shook his head angrily as he slammed his locker shut and hurried to the choir room.

"Finn!" Rachel called as she followed him. "Wait!"

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