Tattoo (Quicketh)

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"Hey." Beth smiled as she entered the den and looked at her parents.

"Hey, kiddo." Puck smiled back. "Did you just get home?"

"Yeah." Beth said. "Where is everyone?"

"Hudson, Lucy, and Grace are all asleep." Quinn told Beth. "Bubbe just went up. It's late."

Beth nodded. "I wanna show you something."

"What did you do?" Puck asked.

"The closer I get to leaving, the more I think about being away from you guys." Beth explained. "And it makes me not wanna go."

"Beth." Quinn said softly. "It's gonna be okay."

"I know that." Beth replied. "I'm excited for my future. And I think Uncle Jake's excited, too."

Puck smiled.

"But I wanted to make sure I'd have a piece of you with me." Beth added. "Well, on me."

"On you?" Quinn raised her eyebrow. "You got a tattoo?"

"Yes, I did." Beth answered.

"Why the hell would you do that?" Puck asked.

"Says the guy with at least eight tattoos that I know of." Beth noted.

"I'm an adult." Puck said.

"So am I." Beth retorted.

Puck shook his head.

"Can we see it?" Quinn requested.

"Sure, Mom." Beth smiled as she turned to Quinn. She pulled her shirt up to reveal the bumblebee tattoo on her side. "Now I match you guys."

"It looks really good." Quinn noted as she studied the ink. "You should've told us you were going. We could've had Travis do yours."

"He did." Beth informed Quinn. "I made him swear not to tell you guys."

"It is a perfect match." Puck muttered, comparing Beth's tattoo to the one on his arm.

"Well, I'm glad you guys like it because I have an appointment for another one tomorrow morning." Beth said. "And I was hoping you would both come with me."

"What are you getting?" Quinn asked.

"I don't know yet." Beth answered. "I really wanted to get something with you guys or a tattoo with your handwriting or lyrics or something like that."

"What lyrics?" Puck wondered, suddenly interested.

"Maybe one of yours." Beth said. "You wanna think of ideas before my appointment? It's at 11am."

"Yeah, I think we can come up with something." Puck nodded.

"Two minutes ago you were mad she got a tattoo and now you wanna design one for her?" Quinn asked.

"She's gotta catch up to us." Puck shrugged as he looked at Beth. "Travis taught you how to clean it and everything?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Beth said. "I'm gonna go do that and go to bed. I just wanted to show you guys first."

"We'll take you to your appointment tomorrow."

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