Mutations (Fuinn)

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"Good news." Dr. Chin said with a smile. "Your tests all came back and your baby doesn't have any genetic mutations."

"Not even any cool ones?" Finn joked.

Quinn glared at him.

"I told you there was nothing for you to worry about." Dr. Chin added. "Do you have any questions for me?"

"Finn, will you excuse us?" Quinn requested.

"What?" Finn wondered.

"Go wait for me outside." Quinn said.

"Shouldn't I be here for your questions?" Finn asked.

"Go." Quinn repeated. "This is too personal."

Finn furrowed his eyebrow as he squeezed Quinn's hand and released it before exiting the room.

When the door was closed, Dr. Chin looked at Quinn. "There's really nothing to be concerned about, Quinn. And I know this must be really hard for you, but the more you stress, the more the baby is at risk."

"I'm not concerned about my stress levels." Quinn said. "I'm doing the best I can."

Dr. Chin nodded. "Did you have another question?"

Quinn paused for a minute and nodded slowly. "The baby's father is Jewish. Are there any other tests you have to run because of that?"

"We can test for Tay-Sachs, if that's a concern." Dr. Chin offered.

"What's that?" Quinn asked.

"It's very rare." Dr. Chin reassured Quinn. "It's most common in Jews, but babies with Tay-Sachs can lose the ability to see and hear, and they usually have seizures and eventually become paralyzed."

"Can babies grow out of it?" Quinn asked, knowing it was a stupid question. "Or be cured?"

"There's no cure, but there are medications to manage symptoms and help the baby live a pain-free life until they pass." Dr. Chin explained. "But it's a very rare disease. Does the baby's father have a family history of that?"

"I... I don't know." Quinn said, biting her lip.

"If you want to run the tests, it's a pretty simple blood test." Dr. Chin added. "But I would talk to the baby's father first and see if that's necessary."

Quinn nodded slowly, still biting her lip to keep from crying.

"Anything else?" Dr. Chin questioned Quinn as someone knocked on the door.

"No." Quinn muttered as she got up. "Thanks."

Quinn walked to the door and opened it, looking up at Finn.

"Hey." Finn said. "I was just coming to check on you. Everything okay?"

Quinn faked a smile and nodded slowly. "Can you take me home?"

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