Request (Quick)

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"Hello?" Puck answered the phone.

"Hi, Noah." Quinn said. "It's Quinn. Fabray."

"Yeah, hey, Q." Puck responded. "It's been a few months. What's up?"

"I know. We've both been so busy with work lately." Quinn noted. "Congrats on the holiday album. Your voice sounds beautiful on it, as always."

"Thank you." Puck replied. "I haven't had a chance to watch your new movie yet, but I hear it might earn you an Oscar nomination."

"Maybe." Quinn said.

"It's good to hear from you." Puck stated. "But you haven't called to say hi in a while, so did you need something?"

"Yeah, actually, I have to ask you something." Quinn noted.

"Anything." Puck told her.

"Well, my career has taken the lead over anything else in my life, but I was thinking that I'm ready to start a family." Quinn blurted. "And I realized someone I know has proven theirs good to me already so before I read through hundreds or thousands of profiles at a sperm bank, I was thinking I'd start there."

"So you're calling to ask for mine?" Puck asked.

"You can take some time to think about it." Quinn said. "And whatever you decide is totally fine."

"How would this work?" Puck wondered. "You're on the east coast and I'm in L.A."

"Well, I wouldn't need you to do anything." Quinn clarified.

"You don't think a kid needs a dad?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"You and I don't." Quinn pointed out.

"That's different." Puck insisted. "If I'm gonna do this, I wanna be a part of it."

"And how would that work?" Quinn repeated Puck's question back to him.

"I could take some time in New York, or you could come spend some time in L.A." Puck suggested.

"The whole point of me going to a sperm bank is so I can do this on my own." Quinn stated.

"I don't want that for you." Puck told Quinn, pausing as he took a deep breath. "So we can figure this out, but I'm in."

"You're in?"

"I'm in."

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