Birth (Quicketh)

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"Noah." Quinn said as she walked into the living room. "I think I'm in labor."

"What?" Puck asked as he got up from the couch. "Right now?"

Quinn nodded. "My back is killing me, and I think I'm about to have a contraction."

"Okay, okay, I got you." Puck coached Quinn as he rubbed her back. "Deep breaths. Nice and slow."

"Noah." Quinn hissed, breathing through the pain while Puck rubbed her back.

"You're doing great, babe." Puck promised. "You can do this, Q. Let's get you to the hospital, okay?"

"I'm scared." Quinn said softly, biting her lip.

"I know." Puck nodded as he took Quinn's hand and squeezed it. "But I got you. Everything's gonna be okay."


"Quinn, you're at nine centimeters now. As soon as you get to ten, we can take you up to delivery."

Quinn looked at Puck, reaching for his hand.

Puck took Quinn's hand and smiled slightly.

"I'm so scared." Quinn whispered, looking at Puck.

"You can do this." Puck said. "And after, everything will go back to the way it was."

"I'm scared of that." Quinn admitted, squeezing Puck's hand as the pain of another contraction took over her body. "Oh god, it hurts so bad."


"You did it, babe."

Quinn exhaled with relief as she watched the nurses clean off the baby. They wrapped her up before placing her in Quinn's arms and emptying out of the room.

"You did it." Puck repeated proudly. "Look at her."

Quinn smiled slightly. "I can't believe she's here."

"See? And you were so scared." Puck stated.

"I was scared because I didn't want this to be over." Quinn clarified. "Because I wasn't ready to give her up."

"And now?" Puck wondered as he gently took the baby's hand.

"I wanna keep her. With you."

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