Dieting (Quicketh + fam/Judy)

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"You know, sweetie, now that the doctor cleared you for physical activity, you should really try to lose the baby weight."

Quinn looked at her mother. "The doctor cleared me for light activity like going on walks."

"So go on a walk." Judy suggested.

"It's been tough, Mom. I've been recovering from surgery, and the kids outnumber us now, so-"

"That's why you have me here." Judy interrupted with a smile. "I can help you and Noah with the kids, and you can focus on yourself."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"In fact, why don't you start while I make lunch?" Judy suggested.

"Lucy's gonna be up soon." Quinn stated.

"I'll take care of her." Judy responded.

"Beth and Hudson are watching a movie. I promised them they could go swimming when Noah gets home." Quinn added.

"Okay." Judy said. "I got it."

"Okay." Quinn muttered.

"You're a beautiful girl, Quinny." Judy added. "I don't want you to let yourself go."




Quinn looked at her mom.

"Maybe you wanna skip dessert." Judy suggested.

"I'm just making a plate for Hudson." Quinn replied.

"Good girl." Judy said.

"Why can't Quinn have dessert?" Puck asked.

"She can, but she shouldn't." Judy stated.

"Why not?" Puck wondered.

"Don't you think she should start dieting now that she's cleared for exercise?" Judy responded.

"Light exercise." Puck clarified. "She had a major surgery a few weeks ago."

"Noah, it's fine." Quinn said softly.

"No." Puck shook his head as he looked at Judy. "No, I'm sorry, but you're not gonna come into my house and tell my wife she needs to lose weight, especially not after she almost died bringing my third kid into the world."

"But wouldn't you be happier if she was thinner?" Judy replied.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "I don't care how much she weighs. Quinn is always gorgeous, inside and out. I just want her happy and healthy."

Judy looked at Quinn.

"If I ever hear you speak to Quinn like that again, or to any of the kids like that, it'll be the last time you come to my house." Puck added.

Judy frowned as she walked away.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Sorry." Puck apologized as he made Quinn a plate. "Here."

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