Britney Fantasies (Brittana)

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"Hey, Britt." Santana smiled as she leaned against the lockers. "Now that your cavities are taken care of, I was thinking we could get our cuddle on tonight?"

"I'd love to, but I can't." Brittany said, closing her locker. "I have to go back to the dentist."

"What?" Santana asked.

"I have cavities on almost every tooth, Santana." Brittany noted with a sigh. "They can't fix all that damage in a day."

"You're really gonna go back?" Santana asked.

"I don't wanna, but I have to." Brittany shrugged.

"What if I come with you?" Santana suggested.

Brittany looked at her.

"You said you had a Britney fantasy last time, right?" Santana questioned Brittany.

Brittany nodded slowly.

"So I'll come with you." Santana offered. "So you're not alone."

"Okay." Brittany replied with a smile. "But bring your headphones."

Santana grinned. "Okay."

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