Christmas Pranks (Quick)

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"Hey, Q." Puck smiled as Quinn entered Santana's apartment.

"Hey, Puck." Quinn replied, eyeing the mistletoe that hung above them on the ceiling.

"That's a little something for me." Puck responded, following Quinn's gaze. "The other girls did it."

"Okay." Quinn shrugged as she cupped Puck's cheek and kissed him lightly.

Puck smirked when they parted. "I'll see you inside. I'm on my way out for a cigarette."

"Okay." Quinn repeated with a smile as Puck walked away. She joined the girls in the kitchen. "Hey."

"Hey." Santana repeated.

"Sorry I'm late." Quinn apologized, taking off her coat.

"I'll put this inside." Brittany offered as she took the coat and excused herself.

"The apartment looks great." Quinn noted. "And everyone's here."

"Yeah, I think some of the new kids are gonna pass by, but other than that, everybody's here." Santana nodded, handing Quinn a drink.

"Thanks." Quinn said. "We should probably warn Marley and Kitty about the mistletoe."

"What mistletoe?" Santana wondered.

"The one Puck and I kissed under." Quinn responded, sipping her drink.

Santana furrowed her eyebrow. "Puck put that up."

"So you didn't kiss him?" Quinn asked. "'Cause he said everyone did it."

"If the other girls had sex with him, would you do that, too?" Santana responded. "Oh, wait. You did."

Quinn rolled her eyes and chugged her drink until she finished it.


"Hey, Q, look."

Quinn turned and saw Puck holding the mistletoe in front of his crotch.

"Kiss me?" Puck requested.

"I hate you." Quinn said, shaking her head while the boys laughed.

"Love you, too." Puck smirked as he put the mistletoe down.

Quinn turned to the girls. "I need help getting him back. Any ideas?"

Everyone looked at Santana.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Santana folded her arms.

"You're the most conniving one of all of us." Rachel stated.

"And you've been friends with Puck forever." Mercedes added.

"You're on my list, Berry." Santana said, nodding slowly. "Remind me why you and Puck aren't together, Quinn."

"Because he's afraid of commitment." Brittany answered. "And Quinn's a cheater."

"Thanks, Britt." Quinn muttered.

"Wait, that's it. Brittany, you're a genius." Santana told the blonde.

"I know." Brittany grinned. "Tell Quinn what to do."

"Puck's afraid of commitment, so all you have to do is convince him you want him. He'll get turned off and probably freak out."

"Okay." Quinn smiled as she got up. "I'm gonna go talk to him then."

"Good luck."

Quinn walked over to the drink table and started making herself a drink. She looked at Puck, meeting his eye before looking away.

"Hey." Puck said, looking at Quinn.

"Hey." Quinn repeated.

"Can I make you something?" Puck offered.

"I got it." Quinn told Puck. "Want anything?"

"I'm good." Puck replied. "Thanks."

Quinn nodded. "I was hoping we could talk."

"Sure." Puck nodded back. "What's up?"

"Did I tell you how handsome you look tonight?" Quinn asked.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

Quinn leaned in close to Puck as she picked up her cup. "I want you."

"What?" Puck wondered.

"We should get back together." Quinn blurted. "Think about it. You and me. And lots and lots of sex."

"A-Are you serious?" Puck stuttered.

"No." Quinn whispered, grinning as she looked at Puck. "That's payback for your little mistletoe prank."

"Damn you, Fabray."

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