Christmas Lights (Quicketh + fam)

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"The kids are all in bed." Quinn told Puck as she entered their bedroom. "Beth's gonna keep an eye on them so we're free for the night."

"Yeah, let me get dressed and then we'll go." Puck said.

Quinn shook her head. "Stay in your pjs."

"You wanna go out in public in pajamas?" Puck asked Quinn.

"We're not getting out of the car." Quinn pointed out. "Come on."

"Okay." Puck gave in as he took Quinn's hand. "Let's go."

Quinn grinned happily as she and Puck headed downstairs with Max. The trio got in the car and buckled their seatbelts.

Puck turned on the heated seat for Quinn and slowly began driving.

Quinn turned on the radio, queueing Christmas music while Puck drove to pick up hot chocolate.


When they had their drinks, they began driving around to look at Christmas lights. It was a tradition of theirs that started long ago.

Quinn had slowly made Puck love Christmastime, only because he loved how happy it made her, and the pair spent Christmas Eve enjoying the last moments of the holiday magic and spirit in the air that didn't revolve around presents.

When they lived in New York, they would walk around and look at the lights, and when they expanded their family and moved to LA, that tradition evolved into matching pajamas and driving around with hot chocolate to look at the lights once the kids were in bed.

As always, they headed home when they finished their drinks. Quinn put the presents under the tree while Puck played Santa with the cookies and milk.

Puck wrapped his arms around Quinn as they stood admiring their Christmas tree.

"What's your favorite part of Christmas?" Quinn asked softly.

"Seeing how happy it makes you." Puck answered as he kissed Quinn's cheek. "Merry Christmas, baby."

"Merry Christmas. I love you."

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