Tested (Quick)

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"If you're serious about abandoning your Puckerman ways and settling down, you have to do something for me." Quinn told Puck.

"Name it and it's done." Puck nodded.

"You have to go get tested." Quinn said.

"Tested?" Puck repeated.

"At the clinic." Quinn nodded. "I don't want you passing anything off to me. I don't wanna put myself or my health at risk."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "Where would I get something?"

"I don't know." Quinn shrugged. "Kitty Wilde, Shelby Corcoran, not to mention you've slept with every woman in Lima."

"And what about you?" Puck wondered.

"Me?" Quinn responded.

"Yeah, you were with that professor and the guy with the stick up his butt." Puck pointed out. "And Santana."

Quinn rolled her eyes. "You've slept with hookers, Noah."

"So?" Puck responded.

"So if one of us has something, it's probably you." Quinn noted.

"Well, I'm willing to get tested if you are." Puck stated.

"Seriously?" Quinn asked.

"I don't wanna put myself and my health at risk." Puck responded.

"Shut up." Quinn said. "Let's go."


"See that?" Puck asked, handing Quinn the paper. "Clean bill of health."

Quinn nodded as she passed her papers to Puck.

"What's this?" Puck asked, eyes widened at the words on the page. "Chlamydia?"

"Shut up." Quinn responded. "The doctor said I'll be fine in, like, two weeks."

"That means you're not having sex for two weeks." Puck said.

"We're not having sex for two weeks." Quinn corrected Puck.

"I can still have sex." Puck noted. "Just not with you."

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"But I won't." Puck swore. "So who do you think gave it to you anyway?"

"You." Quinn answered.

"Nope." Puck shook his head. "Who have you been sleeping with before I got here?"

"I slept with my friend, Dean, a little less than a week ago." Quinn told Puck.

"Bingo." Puck said. "Well, after you go talk to him, you can come here and apologize for assuming I was riddled with diseases."

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"I'll wait for you in your room."

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