Bathroom Breaks (Quicketh)

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Quinn exhaled slowly as she stood up.

"Miss Fabray, have a seat."

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Quinn requested.

"Not until you're done with your test."

"I have to use the bathroom." Quinn said.

"You should've gone before class started. You can't go in the middle of a test."

"Why not?" Quinn asked.

"Because I don't want any of my students cheating."

"I'm not gonna cheat." Quinn swore. "Just let me go."

"When you're done, you can go."

"She's eight months pregnant." Santana chimed in. "Let her go."

"It's an emergency." Quinn insisted.

"Finish your test, ladies."

Quinn took a deep breath as she gathered her things.

"Miss Fabray, sit down and finish your test. I'm sure you can wait a few more minutes to use the bathroom."

"Talk to me when your baby is pressing on your bladder. I can't focus like this." Quinn told her teacher as she walked to the door.

"If you walk out of my classroom, you get an automatic zero."

"Fine." Quinn replied as she walked out.

After Quinn used the bathroom, she washed her hands and exited. She decided to go to the choir room, which had become her safe haven since she had gotten pregnant. She often spent her lunch periods there rehearsing by herself or doing homework and avoiding her peers and their judgment.

Quinn walked into the choir room and paused when she saw it wasn't empty.


"Hey." Quinn repeated, looking at Puck, Finn, and Mr. Schue. "Sorry, I didn't realize you were using the choir room."

"Is everything okay, Quinn?" Mr. Schue asked.

"Y-Yeah." Quinn nodded slowly. "I should get out of your way."

"Why don't you stay?" Mr. Schue suggested.

"Yeah, you can help make sure me and Finn don't suck." Puck added.

"Yeah." Finn nodded.

"Okay." Quinn gave in.

"Here." Puck said, grabbing a chair for Quinn and dragging it over. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm okay." Quinn answered as she sat down. She crossed her arms over her baby bump protectively. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Puck smiled slightly.

"Okay, guys." Mr. Schue said, sitting in a chair beside Quinn. "A 5, 6, 7, 8."

Quinn watched Finn and Puck rehearse the steps Mr. Schue had taught them. Although she was trying her best to pay attention, all she could think about was her test, and she began crying.

"I didn't think we were that bad." Finn muttered, looking at Puck.

"I'm sorry." Quinn apologized.

"Q, what's wrong?" Puck asked.

"I had a big test this period." Quinn cried. "And I failed."

"I'm sure you did better than you think." Finn smiled optimistically.

Quinn shook her head. "My teacher said I'm getting a zero."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "What happened?"

"He wouldn't let me leave to use the bathroom." Quinn answered. "So I left."

"He wouldn't let you?" Mr. Schue repeated.

"He thought I was gonna cheat on our test and he said if I leave, I get a zero." Quinn explained as she took a deep breath. "I don't know why I'm getting upset. It's not that big a deal."

"Yeah, maybe for me, but not for you." Puck said. "They can't do that to you."

"I don't expect special treatment because I'm pregnant." Quinn replied.

"It's not special treatment." Mr. Schue noted. "Giving you a zero on a test is an unfair punishment when you have circumstances that the school nurse has made your teachers well aware of. People sue for things like this."

Quinn wiped her eyes and bit her lip.

"I'll take care of this." Mr. Schue added as he got up. "Guys."

The teacher left the choir room, leaving the three students alone.

The boys sat down beside Quinn.

"It's gonna be okay, Quinn." Finn promised.

Quinn and Puck looked at him.

"I mean, look at everything you've been through this year." Finn stated. "And Mr. Schue's gonna help."

"Finn's right." Puck nodded. "Everything's gonna be okay."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"We got your back." Finn added.

"Totally." Puck agreed as he put his hand out.

Quinn took Puck's hand and looked at him.

"Will you do something for me?" Puck requested, gently squeezing Quinn's hand. "Will you take a deep breath and try to calm down? It's too early for you to go into labor."

Quinn smiled slightly and nodded as she took a deep breath in and exhaled.

"Good." Puck smiled. "Again."

Quinn took a few more deep breaths and wiped her eyes when she had calmed down. "Thank you."

The pair let go of each other's hands when they remembered Finn was in the room, and a few minutes later, Mr. Schue returned.

The trio looked at their teacher.

"You're getting a make up test tomorrow." Mr. Schue informed Quinn. "Miss Pillsbury will proctor it in her office. You can take whatever breaks you need."

"Thanks, Mr. Schue."

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