Chapter 53

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I looked into Huzaifa's eyes which were filled with concern and sympathy for me, "Armaan is dead, Mishal. You need to get hold of yourself," he said. 

"Armaan is dead?" I murmured under my breath.

"Yes, he is dead," Huzaifa said in assurance," You killed him. He won't be hurting anyone now, okay?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

 "Okay," I replied, nodding.

 Armaan Peerzada was dead. I had killed him. I killed a man. I had never hurt anyone in my life, and now I had killed a man. I looked at my hands. They were shivering and were covered with blood. I took a life today. I thought, horrified.

 "He is breathing," someone announced.

 Both Huzaifa and I turned and looked toward the source of the voice. Salahuddin and Junaid were kneeling beside Suleiman's body. Huzaifa dropped his hand from my shoulders and rushed towards them. 

 "He has a pulse. He is alive. We need to take him to a hospital," Junaid informed Huzaifa, who halted beside them.

 Was Suleiman alive?

 Thank God!

I felt a new strength in my body and hurried towards the three men assembled around Suleiman. They rolled him over, and from what it looked, Suleiman got shot on the left side of his stomach. Suleiman was going to be okay?

 "We can't wait for the ambulance. We will need to take him ourselves," Salahuddin said. 

 "Why are we still waiting?" I asked impatiently and leaned to help lift Suleiman's unconscious form from the ground, but Junaid placed his hand on my shoulder and motioned me to move aside.

 "We need to take him to the hospital Legion works with," Junaid slipped his under Suleiman's arm, pulling him into a sitting position, and motioned Salahuddin to help him lift Suleiman. 

  "We need to get Wardah," Salahuddin said, remembering. 

"Where is she?" I asked.

I was getting impatient. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and get help for Suleiman, but I knew Salahuddin wouldn't want to leave Wardah behind, especially after Huzaifa's threats. He was way too protective of Wardah to make sure about her safety.

  "I instructed her to hide," Salahuddin replied, helping Huzaifa and Junaid to pick Suleiman up.


Where could Wardah be? Her absence was stalling us. I didn't want to sound selfish, but Suleiman's life was on the line, and I didn't care about anyone but him.

 "Are you sure Armaan's men didn't find her?" Junaid questioned.

"We need to take Suleiman to the hospital now. Cant anyone makes sure she is safe and drops her home?" I stared at Salahuddin. He looked conflicted but acquiesced with a nod.

 Voices rang out as men rushed towards us from the outside. They were probably Huzaifa's men, and I saw Fahad entering with his bodyguards. What was he doing there? Fahad rushed to us when he spotted Salahuddin and Junaid holding Suleiman's wounded body from both sides.

 "What is he doing here?" Huzaifa asked, grinding his teeth.

  It was clear he was unhappy with Fahad showing up at his warehouse. He went stiff the moment his eyes fell on Fahad. 

 "I called him for backup," Salahuddin gave Huzaifa a pointed look.

 I felt someone crushing my heart looking at Suleiman helpless like that. I had always seen him in control of the situation, his body radiating an aura of dominance and power. I was responsible for his condition. If I wouldn't have been so damn stubborn, there were chances the scenario could be different.  

Venom (Mafia Romance) Completed ✔️  Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora