Chapter 48

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  I received a call from Osman when we landed in Delhi, informing me that Huzaifa had agreed to meet us. It was a good sign that Huzaifa was willing to meet. The way he had spoken to me on the call was a clear indication of how furious he was and that he wouldn't stop until he had killed Wardah.

"Kitty met Huzaifa and convinced him for the meeting," Osman informed.

For a moment, I could not decide if I was enraged or proud. I specifically told Osman before boarding the flight to ask Mishal to stay away from Huzaifa, and she still met him. There was no end to the defiance of that woman, but I was grateful to her for convincing Huzaifa.

Mishal might have been ten years younger than me, but she was certainly not naive. I was sure she would grow into an able partner. She had proved herself capable time and again.

"I will ask Wardah to resign, and then we can take her back to Mumbai with us," Salahuddin said as we settled into the backseat of the car we rented from the airport.

"You won't do any such thing until and unless I hear her out. I trust Wardah and am sure she has her reasons," I passed Salahuddin a warning glance.

He leaned back on the seat and pressed his mouth into a tight line. I knew he was being protective of Wardah, Huzaifa was one of the most dangerous men I had come across in my life, and Wardah had challenged him openly.

It was a declaration of war.

"I don't give a fuck about her reasons. He could have killed her," Salahuddin growled.

"Do you think Huzaifa is a fool? He would have killed Wardah before anyone of us would have gotten a sniff of what was happening. If he called me to threaten, it means he is open to negotiations," I said to Salahuddin.

The only thing I was bothered with was what he might want in return. It certainly would be something significant. I looked at my wristwatch. It was nearly lunchtime. I wanted to meet Wardah before the meeting, and Salahuddin could stay the fuck shut up.

"I don't want Wardah to find out about Diablo's threat nor that we are here to negotiate with him," I said to Salahuddin.

"She should know the consequences of her actions and that you are going to pay for the mess she has made," Salahuddin was still sulking.

He was like a wounded lion these days. It didn't take a lot to make him lose his shit. The Viperidae were more terrified of him than they were of me. I knew he was going to explode like a fucking volcano someday, and I didn't want him to use Wardah as a punching bag to vent out his anger.

"The woman of our family dont need to know what shit goes on in our life as made men. Until I am alive, I will protect and keep them away from it," I calmly replied to Salahuddin.

"Sometimes, I dont understand how you act so fucking calm? Even when such shit goes down," Salahuddin sounded annoyed.

"Such situations are the test of the character of a man. What's the use of being calm when everything is working smoothly? A real man doesn't lose his shit when things go against him.  I will advise you to man up and stop sulking. What happened between you both was unfortunate. Please accept it and think about how you will turn things in your favor instead of despising the female race, especially your sister. You should be proud of Wardah. She is doing exceptionally well in this male-oriented field," It was high time he got his shit together. Wardah was the last person I wanted to be a target of his pent-up frustration.

"I don't despise women," Salahuddin looked uneasy.

"Cut the crap, Flame. We both know well how you have been acting in the last two years," I gave him a cold stare.

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