Chapter 45

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  I woke up from my slumber and was startled by the heat engulfing me at my back. When I realized the heat source was Suleiman's chest pressing into my back, images of last night started floating in my vision.

What had I done?

The truth dawned on me that I had slept with Suleiman last night. Shame and regret took over me. How could I allow him to touch me? How could I be so weak to let Suleiman break my resolve?

I untangled myself from Suleiman's limbs, careful enough not to disturb his sleep, and slipped out of bed. I was stark naked, with not a single piece of clothing on my body. I remembered falling asleep soon after we had sex the second time. It was the best sleep I'd had in years. Since Suleiman and I separated, I barely slept through the whole night. I would wake up in the middle of the night, craving his warmth. It irked me that it was in Suleiman's arms that I slept peacefully without even waking up once.

I picked up my clothes from the floor and sneaked out of the room. I showered in the guest bathroom and prepared breakfast for Suleiman and me.

My thoughts kept returning to the last night. I had just not slept with him once but twice. How could I give in to him this easily? I hated myself at that moment as I had never hated anyone. Suleiman Khan had exploited me again, and I had made it easy for him.

I should have slapped him for touching me. Instead, what had I done? I had given in to my lust. Not a day had passed when I had not missed him and craved his touch. Sometimes, the yearning for him got so severe that I was afraid I would run back to him, forgetting everything he did to me.

I got dressed in the adjoining bedroom and left my apartment. I didn't find the strength to face Suleiman after what happened last night. Suleiman must indeed be feeling triumphant after he broke my resolve, but I would make sure his euphoria didn't last long.

The cab arrived at the regular time, and I reached the office in time before the morning meeting. Yuvi waited for me outside the conference room. He looked at me carefully for a second and exclaimed, "You are glowing!"

I felt someone punch me in my guts. What Yuvi said was right. The moment I saw myself in the mirror this morning, I was astonished. I had never thought something like that was possible. Only one night with Suleiman had restored the glint in my eyes and the healthy glow on my face. My cheeks had regained the color that had gone pale in the last three years.

"Shut up. Don't you have a presentation to give," I hit Yuvi on his arm with the folder I was holding in my hand.

"Ouch, what crawled up your ass?" Yuvraj asked, rubbing his arm.

I controlled myself in time before Suleiman's name escaped from my lips. I had enough on my plate. I didn't want Yuvi on my back pestering me about Suleiman.

We entered the conference room together and took our seats. The manager arrived after a few minutes, and the meeting started. Yuvraj gave the presentation that day. Everything went smoothly without any major incidents, but my mind kept returning to Suleiman.

I couldn't stop thinking about his reaction when he woke up and found me gone. I was hoping he wouldn't show up here at my workplace or would be waiting for me at my apartment. Though I knew one of the two scenarios was waiting for me. There was no way in hell that Suleiman would let me off the hook that easily after what happened last night.

I was searching for something in my bag when I noticed that the ring Armaan gave me was missing. I remembered I had kept the box in my handbag last night after Armaan gave it to me. Then how was it possible that it was missing?

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