Chapter 37

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The morning sun was rising from the horizon. Its golden rays were lighting up the sky. I turned and looked at Suleiman from the spot near the window. He was sleeping peacefully on the bed. Last night was passionate, as always. Suleiman was a great lover, and he always made sure I got my release and was satisfied in every way.

I was getting addicted to him. The moment he would look at me in a certain way, butterflies would burst in my belly. Flashes from last night ran through my mind. Me on all fours, and Suleiman rammed into me from behind. My core clenched at the thought of Suleiman's hard length inside me. 

I was sex mad and hungry these days, it was like I couldn't get enough of him, and the same was the case with Suleiman. We could barely keep our hands off each other when we were alone. I couldn't understand how we both had stayed away from each other for a long time. 

Suleiman used to complain that all he could think about these days in his meetings was how he could take me. 

I opened the window, and the cold air of December hit me. I shivered for a moment from its coldness. The heater was on in the room, and I hadn't expected it to be cold outside. 

I rubbed my hand on my upper arms to warm them up. Winter in New Delhi used to be always extreme, unlike Mumbai. I was wearing Suleiman's shirt, which he had discarded last night on the floor before sleeping. It was becoming my habit to sleep in his clothes. I closed the window when the room started getting cold, fearing Suleiman would wake up because of it.

The wedding function was fine, barring a few incidents. I was rejoicing, especially because Wardah had not allowed Huzaifa to toy with her. I admit he was damn good at manipulation, the way he was provoking Wardah by mentioning her being sold to Fahad Al Nuaimi. 

Ushna had looked a little off last night. She was not her usual cheerful self. I knew she was struggling with Salahuddin. She hadn't told me what was going on between them, but I had a certain idea about what it could be, and I hoped they both could sort it out. 

I wore the pink gown Suleiman had chosen for me, and Suleiman could barely keep his hands off me. He was changing with each passing day. He was giving me more time and discussing his business and other essential matters. The Pereiras had been giving him a hard time in the past months, but they had been inactive for a couple of weeks. Suleiman was of the view that they were planning something big. Salahuddin had accompanied us to the wedding because he had good ties with the Minister. The functioning of the syndicate had been in Osman's hands for now. I was hoping that he won't have any trouble till the time Suleiman was in Delhi. 

  I had awoken by a nightmare and couldn't sleep after it. I looked at the clock. It was only seven in the morning. I picked up my cell from the nightstand and scrolled through it. There were a couple of messages from Wardah and Ushna. They had asked me to meet in the dining area for breakfast. I tested them back, and I will meet than in half an hour. 

I showered and got dressed after going through my morning routine. Drying and untangling my hair, I walked out of our bedroom, making sure not to make any noise to wake up Suleiman. 

He was a light sleeper, and I didn't want to disturb his sleep. Suleiman used to exhaust himself with the business and the operations of the syndicate. I hoped he might get some rest while we were here in Delhi, but it was unlikely because he had a lot of meetings lined up. 

I asked for directions to the dining hall from a cleaning staff member. He explained the direction and got busy with his work while I walked up to the elevator. 

I pressed the button to the elevator and was waiting for it when two men joined me. They had just come from around the corner. The men entered after me in the elevator and stood behind me. I was about to press the button to the desired floor when I felt something hard thrust the middle of my back, " Be a good girl and do as we say," the man behind me whispered in my ear.

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