Chapter 38

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I woke up to find the bed empty beside me. I looked around the room, but Mishal was not there. Maybe she was in the bathroom taking a shower. I sat up on the bed, leaning against the headboard. I was disappointed that Mishal didn't wait for a morning session. It hardly happened that we didn't have sex daily. I think my desire for her was insatiable. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get enough of her. 

Mishal was still in the bathroom, so I slipped off the bed and walked towards the bathroom. I knocked on the door and waited for her to reply. If she didn't finish showering, we could get it in the shower. There was silence on the other side of the door. Didn't Mishal hear the knock? 

I knocked again, but still, there was silence on the other side. Did she fall asleep while soaking in the tub? Turning the knob and opening the door, I entered the bathroom to find it empty. It felt like a punch to my guts.

Where the fuck was Mishal? 

I stormed out of the bathroom and dialed her number. Her cell started ringing in the room. Did she leave without her cell? Where did she go? She didn't know anyone in Delhi, so where the hell was she? 

I dialed Salahuddin, and he picked up after a few rings. Salahuddin's voice sounded sleepy, which meant he was not with Mishal. 

"What happened, Suleiman?" he asked, concerned. 

"Do you have any idea where Mishal could be?" 

"Isn't she with you?" he asked back, startled. 

"Why would I be calling you if she was with me?" I shot back in anger. 

"Let me check with Wardah. They might have gone down for breakfast," he said and disconnected the call. 

Salahuddin called back within a minute, "She is not with Wardah. They are waiting for her in the dining room. Mishal said she would join them in half-hour, but she didn't turn up even after an hour," Salahuddin's voice was dripping with concern. 

"Where the hell is she then?" My head was near to exploding.

Salahuddin said he would be here in a few minutes and disconnected the call. I showered and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. By the time Salahuddin came, I was ready to leave. 

"Where could she be if she isn't with Wardah and Ushna?" Salahuddin asked 

"I don't understand her fucking problem. I have told her a thousand times not to leave alone. Still, she does the same thing. Moreover, she didn't even take her cell with her. I will need to put an ankle monitor on her if she keeps on doing shit like this," I vented out.

"Easy, Suleiman, you could be fretting over for nothing. I am sure she is downstairs in the spa or salon," Salahuddin said as we left our room. 

My sixth sense was warning me that something terrible had happened. Salahuddin pressed the button to the elevator, and we waited for it in silence. We reached the dining area, where the breakfast was arranged. Wardah, Ushna, Meer Sikander, and Fahad Al Nuaimi were in the hall.

They surrounded us when we entered, "Any news about her?" Meer Sikander asked. 

"I don't have any idea where she could be," I replied, rubbing my forehead with my finger and thumb. 

Salahuddin contacted the hotel manager, and the whole staff set in search of Mishal. The Manager asked us to accompany him to their security room, where we checked the CCTV footage. Two men were seen escorting Mishal outside the hotel and then into a car in the parking lot. 

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