Chapter 46

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Two months had passed since I returned from Delhi. I got caught up in the business so badly that I couldn't revisit Delhi in the past two months. Then there was Mama's fragile condition, she was better than before, but still, I wasn't convinced enough to leave her alone. I wanted to sit and talk with Mishal to clear everything between us, but I wanted to do it without anything or anyone breathing down my neck.

   Wardah joined in Delhi a little less than two months ago. Salahuddin made a few trips to Delhi to make sure she had settled. I was not comfortable with her being in the territory of Diablo. Mishal was a different thing, she was the daughter of Jahangir Shah, and Huzaifa knew well not to mess with her because of me. On the other hand, Wardah and Huzaifa had a history with which I wasn't comfortable.

I knew something was going on in Wardah's mind. The way she was adamant about joining in Delhi, even though Salahuddin and I were against it, meant she had something brewing in her skull. I didn't want her anywhere near Huzaifa, but it looked unlikely they wouldn't come across. Huzaifa was not just a businessman or mafia boss. He became a Minister in the Delhi Government. He contested the elections and won with a clean sweep.

Huzaifs got offered a Ministry, which he readily accepted and didn't hesitate to flaunt in our circle. His arrogance had only increased after joining politics, and he considered himself invincible. I was not bothered about him joining politics. The only thing that concerned me was his fixation on Wardah.

A few incidents in the past years had only proved how much he looked forward to making her submit, but Wardah was a fighter, a warrior. She always fought back with the same ferocity, and it only added fuel to Huzaifa's predatory instinct.

Wardah was in Delhi without my or Salahuddin's supervision. She was free to do as she pleased. I just prayed she didn't get it into her head that she could act against Huzaifa. She had done remarkably well for herself in Bureaucracy, but she was nowhere near the level of influence of Huzaifa.

"I came across Mishal at Wardah's place the last time I visited," Salahuddin said, settling on the couch in my office from across me.

Salahuddin visited Delhi last week to meet Wardah and ensure everything was well at her job. He was uncomfortable with having Wardah so close to Diablo, and his frequent trips to Delhi only proved it.


"She still looked like her stubborn self," Salahuddin announced with distaste.

"I don't know if you have noticed it, Bhai, but Flame these days hates the whole female population," Osman sneered from the couch he was half sitting and half lying on.

  I barely controlled my smile while Salahuddin passed Osman a death glare. It was true that Salahuddin hated women with a fervor like never before. Women tend to have this capability to drive any man insane. With a temper like Salahuddin, it was not hard for him to lose his shit.

"Bhai, I think you should go to Delhi and bring Kitty back to Mumbai. It's high time now. She had even finished her studies. I don't understand what is stopping you now?" Osman asked.

I ignored him as always. Osman had insisted on me for the past three years to bring Mishal back to Mumbai. He even suggested I abduct her a couple of times if she gave me any trouble. I chose to ignore his insane suggestions. He was impulsive and didn't understand how relationships work. Or maybe he did, and I needed to learn a thing or two from him. He was more experienced than me, where women were concerned.

"I am telling you, Bhai, women like dominating alpha men who don't give a shit about what others want. It's a turn-on for them," Osman continued his ranting even after my silence.

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