Chapter 24

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  I looked at Huzaifa with hatred. I wanted nothing more than to twist his neck at this moment. Huzaifa was not looking at me, his eyes were fixed on Mishal's back. He looked at her till she took a turn in the hallway and was out of sight. Huzaifa then looked at me and smiled in his twisted way. 

"So are we doing it tonight?" his voice held a teasing note. 

"Of course, I can't wait to cut your dick and feed it to you. If next time you misbehaved with my wife Diablo, it will be your last time. Don't fucking provoke me," I hissed in an icy cold tone.

  Huzaifa smiled and then burst into laughter like some mad man, "You are good, you are very good. You just need to have better timings," he taunted.  

  I arched a brow at him, trying to understand what he meant, " You see Venom, you made the same mistake twice. You threatened me for insulting your wife when she had left. Now your pretty little wife will hate you because she will think her dignity doesn't matter to you. Next time if someone insults your wife, make sure you threaten them in front of her so that she knows what she is worth to you," Huzaifa elaborated in his diabolical way. 

I felt like someone punched me in my guts. Huzaifa Ibrahim, the Diablo, was giving me relationship advice. Was I so bad at being a husband that someone, as twisted as Huzaifa, felt the need to give me relationship advice? 

"I need to make a phone call, can I find someplace private?" Huziafa diverted the topic when I fell silent.  

I was still feeling the effects of his words from a few moments back. I pointed at the glass door that led to the terrace.  Huzaifa strode in that direction giving me a curt nod. 

I returned to the room where the men were waiting for me to continue with the meeting. Wardah was in the room insisting Osman join her in singing for some Mehfil thing, while Osman looked weary of her requests. 

"Wardah, we are not children to sing in some Mehfil. For the love of God, please spare me," Osman pleaded in a wearied voice.  

"Come on, it's Saima Di's and Shahnawaz Bhai's anniversary. We need to do something romantic for them. What's better than having a Mehfil of classical romance songs, " Wardah pulled his hand. 

  "This girl is crazy," Salahuddin laughed, "I don't know when she will grow up," he said to me looking at Osman and Wardah. 

  "Wardah handled herself well, today. She expresses herself very well for such a young age," I replied, admiring Wardah for her spirit. 

  Though at the back of my mind there was still this little thing nagging me whatever happened between her and Huzaifa was not going to have good results. 

  "She did, I am proud of her. Though I would have preferred she didn't. I don't want Huzaifa's attention on her," Salahuddin was concerned about the same thing that was unsettling me. 

  "We won't let that fucker anywhere around her, don't worry," I assured Salahuddin. 

 "Maan Bhai, why don't you ask Osman to accompany me? He surely won't disobey your order," Wardah turned to me for help when Osman didn't give in to her demands. 

"For God's sake, Wardah, I am a made man. You can't ask me to play the clown in your circus," Osman raked his fingers through his hair. 

Wardah turned to him with a jerk, "It's not a circus and no one is asking you to play the clown. You just have to sing the male lyrics and I will handle everything else," she glared at him. 

"If I am going to sing the male lyrics, what else is left to handle for you?" Osman arched his brow at her. 

 A smile broke on Salahuddin and my lips. Wardah and Osman's banter was never-ending. They had been close since childhood. 

"Osman please, it's just a few songs. I can assure no harm is going to come to your male ego. Girls swoon over with a good voice," Wardah placed her hands on her hips. 

 "Sorry, cupcake, your flattering won't work," Osman mocked. 

 "Don't call me with that name," Wardah huffed. 

 "Afraid your Bureaucratic ego will suffer a blow if anyone finds out?" Osman continued teasing Wardah.   

 "You know well I won't find anyone else to sing along with me at such short notice, that is why you are being so cocky," Wardah ground her teeth in resentment. 

 "I can ask Huzaifa to join you. The way he was gawking you, I am sure he wouldn't refuse," Osman's face lit up in a Cheshire cat smile. 

 Salahuddin stiffened beside me while I glared at Osman who looked embarrassed at his slip. Fortunately, for all of us, Yahya and Huzaifa were not present in the room. 

 "I would rather die," Wardah scoffed, not noticing our reaction. 

"Osman it won't harm anyone if you sing a few songs," I addressed Osman in a calm voice, but I was anything but calm on the inside. 

 It wasn't just me who had Huzaifa's interest in Wardah. Knowing what kind of man Huzaifa was, was making me anxious even thinking about him and Wardah. 

 He was a hunter and Wardah was competitive by nature. She wouldn't back off from a challenge and Huziafa was someone who relished in toying with his prey before going for the kill. 

 "Bhai, you and Dad have left no stone unturned to spoil her," Osman protested. 

 I silenced him with a cold glare. Signaling him to leave before Huzaifa returned and Wardah garnered more attention from him. 

 "Okay, I will sing with you. But this is the last time I am doing this," Osman agreed finally but not before warning Wardah. 

 Salahuddin relaxed and Wardah teased Osman, sticking her tongue out. She dragged Osman downstairs with her to arrange for the Mehfil. 

 Huzaifa returned to the room after a few minutes and then the discussion started again. Jahangir Shah and Shahnawaz's father left the meeting early to greet the guests. Feroz took over in place of Jahangir Shah. He was his nephew and was going to take over the reign of Surat after him. 

  Osman returned to the meeting a few minutes after Jahangir Shah had left. From his expression, he was looking enraged. I wondered if any new differences happened between him and Wardah with regards to the mehfil. I knew Osman was not good at controlling his emotions. He was opposite to me, impulsive, and hot-headed. 

  "What happened?" I asked when everyone took a break from the discussion. 

  Osman narrated what he overheard between Jahangir Shah and Mishal. My blood boiled in fury, how dare he disrespect my wife like that? Jahangir Shah was a selfish man but I never had imagined that he would go to such an extent for his gains. 

  I needed to have a little chat with my father-in-law and show him his place. He should know better not to disrespect Mishal again. 

   The meeting was coming to an end when Osman left after getting a call from Wardah. She could be persistent when she wanted to. I was glad that it was Osman and not me, she was irritating this time. 

  Salahuddin looked relieved too because he very well knew how strong-willed and stubborn Wardah was. 

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