Chapter 41

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I was standing in my office overlooking the Arabian sea when the door opened, and someone entered. I didn't need to turn and look to know who it could be. Salahuddin and Osman were the only ones to enter without knocking, and Osman never stayed silent. He started annoying the fuck out of me whenever he was around.

"Mehdi informed you asked to postpone the meeting?" Salahuddin asked.

"I did," I replied in a flat tone.

"It's been three years Suleiman," I heard his annoyed voice.

"Three years, two months, and seventeen days. I could give you the count of hours and minutes, too, if you are interested," I retorted.

"You need to move on. It's high time now,"
Salahuddin started the same thing he had been ranting about for the last three years.

"I am not starting this discussion with you. If you don't have anything else to say, you can leave," I shot back without turning.

I heard the slamming of the door after a few moments. It was clear how much Salahuddin wanted me to move on from Mishal, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't forget her. Mishal had carved out a place in my cold heart so subtly that I didnt even realize it until it was too late. She made the emotions come alive in my dead heart. No matter how much I wanted not to think about her, she ruled over every single of my thoughts.

My last meeting with her two years ago was clear as a day in my memory. I couldn't forget the way she had been behaving, utterly indifferent towards me, and had avoided any eye contact.


I had been waiting in the office of her lawyer along with mine. I came a little early to get a chance to talk to her, but to my disappointment, she didn't arrive.

"Is your client agreeing to a mutual divorce?" Mishal's lawyer asked my lawyer.

"Yes, he is," my lawyer Ahtesham Ansari replied.

"You made a wise choice. There is no use delaying the inevitable. My client will be here any minute," Mishal's lawyer Taahir gave me a formal smile.

Inevitable, my ass.

I ignored his smile and leaned against the back of the chair with my fingers intertwined while my elbows rested on the chair's armrest. The door opened, and the familiar floral scent spread through the air. My breath stopped for a moment. I looked mesmerized at Mishal.

It was a year ago when I last saw her. Michal wore a simple baby pink colored salwar kameez. Her face was devoid of any makeup. She looked skinnier than before, her curves had disappeared, and her skin looked tanned.

My stomach churned at the sight of her. I was not oblivious to her struggles. Mishal's obstinacy was going to be the death of me someday. I had given her space so that her anger would subside with time, and we could sit and talk. When Shahnawaz told me Mishal wanted to continue her studies, I arranged for her transfer and her accommodation in Delhi.

I would have preferred if Mishal stayed in Mumbai or Surat, but Delhi was not a wrong choice either. At least it was ruled by our allies. Huzaifa had earned my respect after what he did for Mishal and me. When I told him Mishal was moving to Delhi, he said he would keep a close eye on her.

I would have sent my men to watch over Mishal, but it was Diablo's territory, and I didn't want any bad blood between us. Huzaifa was a man of his word, and he had proved it in the past year.

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