Chapter 42

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Two weeks passed with Scarlett in my captivity. At first, Scarlett was conscious around me, but she relaxed gradually. I could sense how she used to watch me discreetly, making sure not to get too obvious. Still, I caught her many times. It was ingrained in my brain to notice every tiny detail about my surroundings and the people around me, and no matter how cautious she was, I noticed everything about her.

It was clear Scarlett was attracted to me, but I knew she would never give in to the temptation. She was too prideful and stubborn for it. The more I got to know her, the more I started to admire her. Scarlett was a remarkable woman, unlike the pampered women in the mafia families, maybe because she didn't belong to a mafia background.

Scarlett loved cooking, and most times, she would throw the cook out of the kitchen and make our meals herself. I used to stay with her while she cooked, one reason was I didn't trust her, and I had no doubt she would poison me at the first chance she got. She was busy preparing dinner while I watched her from a barstool.

"I won't poison you," Scarlett said, chopping basil leaves.

"I know, but I don't prefer to take the risk," I replied calmly.

"Are you afraid of dying?" She asked, amused.

"I am afraid of what my men will do to you if you poison me. They won't care if you are a woman," I looked into her doe eyes.

Scarlett winced but composed herself, "Are you trying to imply you care about me?" She arched her brow.

I gripped her waist and pulled her between my legs, "I do care about you, Scarlett. More than your womanizing husband does."

Scarlett's face lost all color, and she stared at me bewildered. "I am...married woman, Suleiman," she stuttered.

"I know," I stroked her neck with my thumb on the spot where her pulse throbbed, and she sucked in a breath.

"Be mine, Scarlett. I promise to always take care of you and remain loyal to you," I whispered, wrapping a strand of her hair on my finger and sniffing it.

She smelled like passion fruit. I guess it was her hair products, but by God, I had never smelled something so intoxicating. Why was everything about Scarlett so addicting? Why was I attracted to her so much? Why did I want to own her and possess her?

Scarlett froze in my hold. She didn't even resist my advances. I traced a line on her face with my knuckles, and Scarlett closed her eyes.

Fuck, she was so damn responsive.

Scarlett was petite, and we were at eye level, even though I was sitting on the barstool and she stood between my legs.

I leaned onto her, my breath fanning her cheek. " Give us a chance," I whispered, and her trance broke.

She shoved my hand aside from her waist
and stumbled back a few steps, looking at me with resentment in her eyes and her mouth agape.

"How could you?" She gritted out, then turned and rushed out of the kitchen.

I didn't see Scarlett for the next two days, she didn't leave her room, and when I knocked a few times, she didn't reply. I was not worried because the Butler was transporting meals to her room, and she was eating them.

On the third day, I was near snapping. It was a torment to be under the same roof as her and not be able to see her. I knocked at her door after breakfast, yet I didn't receive any reply from the other side.

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