Chapter 40

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I looked at Yuvraj, who had placed a file on my desk in the cubicle. He gave me a pleading look, and I looked back at him with narrowed eyes.

"Please," he joined his hand in a pleading gesture.

"Nope," I leaned against my seat and crossed my arms.

"Did I tell you how pretty you are looking today?" He checked me out shamelessly.

Suleiman would have killed him on the spot if Yuvraj had done something like that in front of him. I felt an ache in my heart at the mere thought of him. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to get rid of his memories.

"I can't help you this time, Yuvi. You will have to manage yourself," I gave him an honest answer.

"Please, Mishy, please. One last time then, I will never ask you for any favor again," Yuvraj pleaded.

"This is the third time in two months," I picked up the file and skimmed through the pages opening it.

"You are the best," he grinned like an idiot.

"You are buying me lunch for the next month," I replied, suppressing my smile.

Yuvraj looked at me, horrified. I ignored his expressions and focused on my work, indicating Yuvraj to leave. I would be late today if I completed my task and rectified the errors in Yuvraj's program.

I have been working in a software development firm for the last two months as an employee. Before that, I had worked here as an intern for my final semester project. The firm offered me a job as a software engineer after my internship was over after my project, and I merrily accepted their job offer.

Only Yuvraj and I managed to get a job offer from the firm from a total of ten students who had done internships here. Yuvraj was my classmate and a good friend during my three years of engineering.

For the last three years, I have struggled hard to manage everything on my own. I had managed to get a scholarship for my tuition fees, but there were still other expenses that I had to manage. Though Abu and Shahnawaz Bhai had offered to help me with the finances, I had strictly refused to take the money from them.

I wanted to build my life myself, without any help from anyone. I had taken up part-time jobs in the last three years to pay for my hostel and other expenses. I realized how difficult life could be for an average Indian I after coming to Delhi. For someone like me who had never traveled in anything but a luxury car in the presence of a guard, this life was the opposite.

I had to travel to the Metro and by public buses to go to my workplaces. It had been challenging at the start. At first, it felt like everyone was watching me, but then, with time, I got habituated to the stares. After three years, I succeeded in acquiring seats on public buses. Before, I used to stand mostly because I had never had the experience of traveling in a public commute.

With time I learned how tough it was to meet the ends daily. Sometimes at the end of the month, I only managed a single meal a day. Some days it was just a pack of instant noodles that I survived on. Eating in a luxury restaurant became a dream for me.

Mom and Di would forcefully gift me clothes whenever they visited me, or I went home. At least I saved money on clothes; otherwise, I had no idea how I would have managed it.

I had worked as a salesgirl, barista, waitress, tutor, and every other job that I wouldn't have ever imagined doing in my life. Who could have imagined Jahangir Shah's daughter, who had been married to Suleiman Khan, would be struggling to meet the ends of her life one day?

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