Chapter 22

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  I had come to Shahnawaz's home along with Mishal. She wanted to help her sister with the arrangement of the party and meet her parents who had arrived an hour ago from Surat and were staying with her sister. 

My visit was to have a private meeting with Huzaifa. He had arrived in Mumbai with his brother this morning and was staying in a hotel. Jahangir Shah had convinced him to meet me before the party. 

  I wanted to discuss Nicholas in person with Huzaifa. It was important to know his stance before the meeting scheduled in the evening where the Legion and Viper and Shahs were to decide which Political party and candidate to back in the upcoming elections.

Jahangir Shah and his wife were waiting for us in the living room with Shahnawaz and his family. Mishal looked delighted to meet her parents and sister. After the initial pleasantries were over Shahnawaz guided me to his study along with Jahangir Shah, where Huzaifa and his brother Yahya were going to join us. The three of us discussed the affairs of the syndicate while waiting for the two fuckers. 

   Huzaifa arrived after fifteen minutes. He was wearing a black tee-shirt and a pair of ripped black jeans. His hazel eyes sparkled with an evil glint as he settled on the couch across from me. 

   "Suleiman, what a delight to meet you," he cheered in his depraved way. 

   "Huzaifa," I gave him a curt nod. 

    Yahya, his younger brother, looked composed on the other hand. There was no doubt that he was as monstrous and wicked as his elder brother but he didn't carry it on his sleeve, like Huzaifa. 

   After the initial pleasantries, I came to the point, "If you gentlemen could give us some privacy, I have a few pressing matters to discuss with the Boss of the Legions," my tone held civility as well as authority. 

   Jahangir Shah and Shahnawaz stood up from the couch along with Yahya. He was about to follow them when Huzaifa spoke, "Yahya will stay," his tone was commanding.


    Shahnawaz looked between us with nervousness in his features. He clearly was not comfortable leaving two alpha males alone in a room in his house. I would not have been either if I was in his place. Huzaifa and I had come to work together out of necessity. There was no doubt we would not hesitate to kill each other if need be. 

    Everyone was looking at me with a questioning gaze. I gestured to Yahya to stay with a nod. I needed Huzaifa to be on my side right now, which meant I would have to ignore his cockiness at the moment.  

   "What do you know about Nicholas Pereira's whereabouts?" I asked without beating around the bush the moment my father-in-law and his elder son-in-law left. 

   "How is your pretty little wife?" Huzaifa ignored my question, "It's a pity I didn't get to taste her before her father married her off to you," he sneered. 

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