Chapter Fifty

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*Daniel *

It was 9 am in the morning and Sophie was still asleep, I couldn't keep what happened a secret from Angel, after I cleaned her up last night, I changed her clothes Into a pink pajamas. Her natural hair was tied In a lose bun, I just sat on a stool
as I watched her sleep, I wore all black clothes today because something had definitely died inside me last night.

She should be awake any moment from now. And as if on cue she started stirring up, she had a frown, she kept on turning her head from left to right, probably having a nightmare from last night, and then she opened her eyes as she immediately sat up. She started painting heavily as she took in her environment, and then her eyes landed on me.

"How... How did I get here?"

"Good morning to you too" I replied, She rubbed her face with her hands

"How? How did you find me?" she asked and I shrugged.

" You must be starving, I'll go get you something to eat." I said while standing up, she just had this look of guilt, she looked like she had a lot to say but I didn't give a damn right now.

"Daniel" she called out as I was almost at the door, I turned to her with a weak smile.

"Just get up and freshen up before I get back, you should eat something" I said and then I left.

After fixing up a light breakfast for her, I took the tray upstairs, so many thoughts rushed through my mind, I just wanted to cry my eyes out, I wanted to wake up from this nightmare. I entered her room and saw her coming from the bathroom, I gave her a smile as I put the tray on the bed.

"Thank you " she said

"Sit down and eat something" I said and then she sat down on the bed, I sat down on my stool in front of her.

She picked up a slice of bread, with omletes in the middle, she did everything reluctantly, as I watched her, and just then she sighed as she dropped the food back on the tray, frustration evident on her face.

"I can't do this Daniel, I seriously can't eat this, I can't pretend that there's nothing going on when there is. And I know you're probably very angry at me right now, so how can you expect me to eat your food? What if you poisoned it?" she asked and I chuckled.

"And why would I poison you Sophie? You are my life, I can't poison my life. One thing I would never do is to commit suicide, so please eat" I said and she just stared at me, "Please?"

And finally, she started eating, and I took out my phone to make her more comfortable, I started going through my messages. One from Teddy, telling me that I'll pay for what I did to him, that made me laughed, and I felt my wife's gaze on me. A while later she spoke,

"How did you find me?" she asked, our eyes met and I took a deep sigh,

"God helped me, he has never for once failed me, " I said and she just ate uncomfortably. "But however, I'm not so sure about that anymore, especially when it comes to the life partner he gave me" I finished and our eyes met again. She dropped the food.

*Sophia *

This man right here will be the death of me, he's acting so normal and it's making me so uncomfortable. The only thing I remembered last night was when Teddy carried me from the bathroom, and when I went to the bathroom this morning I checked myself well and I don't think anything happened between us last night, which was a relief. I was uncomfortably enjoying my breakfast when he spoke those words and my heart stopped, I began to tremble from the inside.

"What... What do you mean?" I asked

"You know what I mean " he said looking at me, dead serious. And then he spoke again,

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