Chapter Thirty

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"So Daniel, Vera here has told me a lot about you and I think that you are a really good guy" he started and I smiled at that.

It's such a nice feeling when a celebrity thinks good about you, I never thought that I will be in the same room with Zlatan ever. I was feeling a little blue because Sophie wasn't picking any of my calls up till now, I hope she's safe.

"Thanks" I said,

"However, I'm kind of curious, why don't you want to be a part of the competition? There are only few slots remaining, many would kill for this opportunity and you're getting it for free, so why are you delaying this chance?" I sat up straight, I still haven't drink from my glass.

"The truth is this past few weeks has been really tough for me, I have to admit, both at home and work..." I said and they listened in silence, "At work, I discovered quite a lot actually, I found out that sometimes your friends aren't always who you thought they were. It's always the hardest thing to take in, especially when you trusted them so much " I said while I remembered the way Jaff and Mike laughed at my singing that day, it broke my heart even more.

"And now, I'm just here trying to get used to the idea that I have no friends and frankly, I don't need one. I know I will be fine.. " I said and then I looked at them, "I'll get through this" I finished and Zlatan let out a sigh, while Vera looked at me with so much affection and I looked away.

"Hmm,  I understand everything you said man, and at a point in our lives, we've all been disappointed by the ones we never expected. And then we have to learn to live with that pain" Zlatan said. He's quite good with words.

"But mind you Daniel, it doesn't mean that we should stop living, or that we shouldn't go after our dreams. It is one of the reason why you should try to be great, so that they can see what they miss out on" he said and I nodded my head in understanding.

"I want to believe that with what he just said, you have changed your mind?" Vera said looking at me with so much hope. A question came in my mind.

"Why aren't you participating in the competition?" I asked, my question pointing to Zlatan, who simply shrugged.

"Because it's meant for upcoming artists, you know, with young talents. I don't just understand why other celebrities decided to pave their way in." he said and I smiled at that. "What's funny?"

"Nothing, I just thought about something" I said, and then I looked at my wristwatch, "I need to be on my way now" I said,  standing up, and so did they.

"Woah! Before you leave, have you changed your mind or you want to give it a thought, which would be kind of annoying if you ask me" he said, and I chuckled,

"The latter" I said and then I left.

I couldn't believe that I just turned down a celebrity's help, what is wrong with you Daniel? I could feel that Vera wasn't far behind me, as soon as I was outside the house, she grabbed my hand, and I turned to her.

"What's the matter Daniel? Why did you suddenly leave?" she asked,  I could tell that she's doing her best not to get angry.

"Why did you bring me here Vera? Why do you want me to be in the competition so badly? If not that you weren't there that day I would have thought that you are with... " I stopped myself from completing my sentence.

"That what? That what Daniel? If I was with Teddy and his crew, I wouldn't be going after you the way I am right now. I wouldn't care so much" she said the last part with so much emotion,  why is she getting all emotional now? I looked at the floor and shook my head,

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