Chapter Twenty Three

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                      *Teddy *

"So what was the big emergency you had to attend to?" I asked my honorable driver, he arrived here not too long ago.

I knew I gave them a day off yesterday, but it didn't mean that he shouldn't return back to work. I was sitting on my comfy Sofa, in my living room with a glass of wine, and he just stood in front of me feeling blue.

"I asked you a question Daniel"

"I had to get some supplies for my mom, and before I reached home, it was very late so she begged me to spend the night" he said, I knew he was lying but I let it go, one day fowl yash go open!

"Alright, and how is she doing?" I asked, make e no be like say I no care.

"She's great, she sent her regards" he replied and I nodded.

"Alright, I'll call you if needed " I told him, he nodded and then he turned to leave. "What about what I asked you to do? I haven't gotten any feedback from you " I asked and he turned around to look at me,

"I haven't been able to get a hold of her number, it's as if she cut ties with everyone I know that knows her. But not to worry Sir, I'm sure I'll find her soon" he lied again and I simply nodded. With that, he left.

Yesterday was so much fun with Binta, not a single moment was dull, everything about her is just amazing. I still couldn't believe that I had finally ended things with Vera, I feel like a free bird now. With Vera, I wasn't able to have fun with other women, but now that we broke up, everything seems to be going well for me, if you know what I mean.

I still haven't found the lady I saw together with Daniel that day, and I was starting to get angry with the fact that he doesn't want me to see her. This made me wonder if they are together or something, anyways, I'll find out about that very soon. Everyone is still wondering why I haven't started shooting the music video yet, little do they know that I want that particular lady for it. I was brought out of my thoughts by my ringing phone, it was Vera

"Good morning Sir" she greeted, sounding very formal, I chuckled.

"No need to be all formal Vera, anyways what can I do for you?" I asked

"I just talked to the producers, and they set up a meeting for tomorrow" she said

"what time?" I asked

"11 am"

"I have to go somewhere by that time. Reschedule the meeting for 8 am"

"Where are you going if I may ask? I've checked your schedule you're totally free" she said sounding irritated.

"Non of your business Vera, just do as I say" I ordered and she kept quiet for a while. " Look, I have a date at that time, ok?"

"I guessed right. I just pray that this new fantasy of yours don't make you lose focus" she said making me roll my eyes, jealous bitch, "Anyways I gotta go, bye" she said and then she hung up. Did she just hung up on me?

"I guess she's still not over me yet" I said with a smirk on my face. She must think that Binta is the only woman I'm with now, what a fool.

"Sir, you called for me?" Jaff said, as soon as he walked in. He kept a straight face which I like so well, his expression masks mine,

"What about what I asked you to do? Is there anything new?" I asked in a deadly tone, he sighed deeply.

"Something new occurred Sir" he answered

"Why did it take you this long to tell me?" I asked getting upset, and he remained quiet "Spill it! "


Rich: A Nigerian love story Where stories live. Discover now