Chapter Thirty Six

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*Sophia *

I turned to see that it was Teddy, why can't he just give me some space? I forced a smile on my face and shook my head,

"it's nothing, I'm just tired that's all" I said and he sighed while handing me a glass of orange juice. "Thanks" I said,

"You're welcome" he said, and then he placed his hands in his pocket, "I want to talk to you about something, please let's sit down" he said and I nodded my head.

We sat down across from each other and I placed the juice on the table. I saw him staring at me weirdly, he had this look that made me uncomfortable.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked

"It's quite simple actually, I just wanted to know why you are hiding your identity..." he said looking at me, I'm sure I had a straight face on but deep inside I was freaking out, how did he find out?

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Hey it's not that I'm judging you or something, I'm just curious that's all. And since we've worked together and we may likely have other projects to do in the future, I feel that there's no need to hide things from each other" he said

"Well you don't see me asking you any questions, so can we just keep things to be strictly business between us?" I said bluntly and he sighed.

"Of course we can, but first answer my question." he said and I raised an eyebrow at him, "Please" he said and I folded my arms.

"What do you want to know?" I asked,

"Are you really Wole Makun's daughter?"

"How comes you don't know whether it's true or not? I thought you did some investigations?"

"I'm begging you Sophie, just answer tee question please?" he said, and I breathed out deeply,

"Yeah I am"

"Wow, it feels so unreal, everyone thought that he had no children including me, although some had their doubts but... " he said excitedly and I frowned a little.

"So why did you want to know so badly?" I asked and he shrugged

"Nothing really, it's really nice to finally learn the truth. But you look nothing like him" he said and I chuckled,

"Don't let him hear you saying that, it makes him mad. I look like my mom" I said and he nodded

"No doubt about that" he said, making me laugh a little. "But why don't you live with him? Having family issues?"

"Something like that" I replied

"But you know he's not getting any younger, so please don't upset him, always try to make him happy. Having a dad is priceless you know, most of us lost ours at a young age" he said, and I just listened. This is the first time he was saying something reasonable, almost as if he was faking it to get at something.

"People like Daniel and I, we both lost our dad in a bus accident, they were friends at the time, but Daniel and I would always fight when we were young. But now faith has brought us together, now it's like we're brothers you know" he said, and I felt sad.

I never knew that Teddy and Daniel go way back, if that's the case, I wonder what Daniel's reason is for telling me not to go close to Teddy?

"I'm so sorry to hear that" I said and he shook his head smiling,

"It's cool, it's all in the past now." he said smiling, and I smiled back. "There was a time when Daniel wanted to become a musician like me, and so we let him sing, he got into the recording room and sang, it was bad" he said and we both laughed, I looked at him amused. What? Who would have thought that Daniel had such passion before? And he never told me about it.

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