Chapter Three

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                      *Daniel *

I abruptly stood up, my heart was as if someone stabbed it with a knife, how can she be dancing with someone else? She was looking so happy, ok man! Stop thinking about it too much, remember this is a club and most people dance with each other even when they don't even know each other's names.

"Yeah, it's them" I said, still looking at their direction.

"But what is she doing with Mimi?" Jaff asked again,

"I also don't have an answer to that question man." I said, raking a hand through my hair. That lady is bad news, we dated for only few weeks years ago, things didn't work out because she wanted more, and I'm not rich, so she left. It's not that I was heartbroken, I mean, she's by far more older than me and there's no way I would settle for her. Let's just say that we were friends with benefits.

But when Sophie mentioned Mimi, I didn't think she meant this Mimi, and I'm so surprised that she owns that flat. Oh well, I heard she is dating a rich man now, who seems to be able to afford anything she wants, and now she is being a bad influence on my girlfriend, I started to get annoyed. Just then the stranger slided his hands on Sophie's waist, she wasn't comfortable with it so she removed his hand, only for him to place them back there again, I couldn't take it, as if on cue, Mimi left the dance floor.

"Guy! " I heard Jaff call out from behind me, but I was already close to the dancing floor.

                      * Sophia *

"For the nth time Sophie, stop worrying about your dad, he's not going to murder you, you are an adult for God's sake. " Mimi, said as we sat at a round table. After making me go to her friend's party, there was an after party at this club and she made me come with her, okay I could have declined if I wanted to but I just want the distraction and there's nothing wrong in having a little fun.

Right now, I was worried because dad will totally freak out if he finds out I went to a club again. Unlike the last time, I made Lilian cover for me, but this time around she has no idea about it. I was lost in my own world when two guys came to sit at our table, I noticed that it was the same guy from the last time.

"Hello" he greeted smiling at me, and I looked totally uninterested in talking to him, I just sipped my drink. I heard him sigh,

"Are you always like this? Losen up a bit will you? " he said, by now I was pressing my phone. I noticed that Mimi was totally enjoying his friend's company, I can't believe her right now.

"What do you want? " I asked, not even looking at him, he was starting to irritate me,

"IPhone 11 pro! That's kind of small, " he said and I scoffed, how dare he? Does he even know the amount of stress I went through before my dad decided to get it for me last year?

Just then I texted Mimi to please help me get rid of this guy, but her reply made my jaw dropped,
'Never! don't you know who he is? He's a senator's son for God's sake, you better don't do anything stupid!'
I was still wondering how she could type all these with the man beside her, I shook my head at her, a senator's son huh? Let's see,

" And so, what about it? " I asked, now looking at him, he was handsome, but not my type. I heard him chuckle,

"I love your accent " he said, and I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm Ahmed and you are Sophia right? " he asked, leaving me perplexed.

"I know you because I did my homework and it's not that hard to find the only beautiful lady here in lagos. " he said, and I'm sure my face still look surprised, "I actually followed you here, from the party"

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