Chapter Ten

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                    * Sophia *

After that huge fight with Daniel, I couldn't go back home, instead I went to the bar, and I think I'm on my 4th bottle now, I was totally wasted. I had texted Miles a while ago that I went back home immediately because I wasn't feeling too well, this is because I didn't want him to call dad that he couldn't find me.

I would cry every now and then when I remembered everything he said, he said he didn't want to have anything to do with me again. This was actually the first time someone dumped me, I started crying again. I drank more from the bottle with my head bending back a little.

"Sophie?" someone called out my name, I looked up to see that it was Mira, I smiled. "Oh my God it's you" she said and sat across from me.

"Yeah, I guess so " I said shrugging,

"Why are you here all by yourself? What happened babe? " she asked looking so surprised

"Nothing much, I was just served breakfast today" I said and laughed hard and then I started crying again, I picked up my bottle but then she took it away from me.

"That's enough drinking girl, let's go." she said getting up, she came to my side and help me up. She paid for the drinks with my money, stingy much! And then we staggered our way outside the bar.

We slowly reached outside, and then we arrived at where she parked her car, she unlocked the door and wanted me to get in but I refused.

"Come on, Sophie! Please get in, it's almost midnight " she said, and I pouted, "You don't know where I live, how can you bring me home? " I said and she hit her forehead,

"Don't worry about that, you'll show me the way right? " she asked and I nodded, " great, now get in" she said, holding the door for me but I didn't move an inch. "Now what's the problem Sophie? " she sighed,

"I'm so sorry Mira, I should have told you about me more" I said and she frowned, I continued "I mean I should have told you where I live but I couldn't because of my dad, he's so strict"  she just folded her arms and listened to me.

"My dad is Wole Makun" I said and started crying, her eyes widened, and then she had a small laugh.

"Ok that's enough Sophie, you're drunk, and now you are saying impossible things... "

"I'm not saying the impossible ok? He's my dad, look" I said and brought out my phone, I showed her a picture of the both of us in the US, she gasped with both her hands covering her mouth. "See? I told you " I said, she still looks shocked,

"But how is that possible? I thought he didn't even have children. But most people did say that he has a daughter abroad, but I never thought that it was true, I never thought that it was you " she said the last part looking at me,

"How could I have been so stupid? Sophia Makun" she said hitting her forehead, probably remembering my full name in school. "Anyways, you are one lucky girl Sophie, your dad is so rich, but why did he hide the truth from everyone? "

"If he had let people know, I wouldn't be at peace for once in my life" I said spreading my arms wide, "Cameras will follow me everywhere, my life wouldn't be this normal " I said, resting my back on the car, I stared at the stars.

"Yeah, that's true, especially reporters, they would pay so much money to get such news" she said and I chuckled. "What happened between you and Daniel this time? "

"He broke up with me, because of my dad, he wants me to marry someone else. But I don't want to, I love Daniel so much, I don't want to lose him" I said, as a tear escape my eye.

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