Chapter Eight

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                      * Sophie *

"Why is this person calling again? " I asked looking at him, but he remained quiet. I angrily pick the ringing phone and then I sat down on the passenger's seat, I stretched out his phone to him, and he collected it.

"Answer it" I ordered, he didn't answer, "Why are you feeling reluctant? Just answer the phone already, damn it!" I yelled, getting frustrated now.

"Don't use such words Sophie, it's not nice" he said and I scoffed, I know he loves me but I don't understand why he's hesitant to answer the phone, it was slowly creating doubt in my mind which I don't want at all.

"Then answer the phone Daniel" I said, he sighed deeply and answered the call, at the third ring.

"Hello, hey Binta, what's up? " he said the last part looking at me. I snapped my fingers and mouthed speaker, he rolled his eyes but then he did it anyways. "What did you say? " he asked her,

"Where have you been? Teddy has been looking for you. It's really urgent" she said,

"I'm sorry about that, something came up that's why, but I'll be on my way right now " he said, raking his hair with his fingers, I was a bit calm now. He hung up, and we both kept quiet, I broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Was she the same person at the restaurant that day? "I asked, he nodded, "So why didn't you want to speak to her in front of me?"

"Because I felt that you would react the way you did, we're just good colleagues and nothing more babe, I swear" he said, and I nodded in understanding,

"I get it," I said and sighed deeply, "Anyways you gat to go back to work, so I'll see you soon" I said looking at him, and he gave me a small smile, making his super cute dimples appear.

"Sure babe, and take good care of yourself alright? " he said and I nodded, "And don't forget to ask me for anything" he finished and I chuckled.

"So how comes you know the famous Teddy?" I asked suddenly,

"Teddy and I go way back, from school to be precise" he said, smiling

"Wow, " I said,

"And now we work together, you know, a side business"  he said, and I smiled at that. My boyfriend is so hard working, he's nice, very generous, good looking and most importantly he loves me!

"Yeah, I have to go babe" he said looking apologetic,

"Alright" I said, I leaned forward towards him and he did too, we kissed and then I came down from the car, I shut the door and with that, he drove off.


As soon as I entered the living room with my gifts in my hand, I checked the time and my eyes widened in surprise, I can't believe we spent more than four hours together. I made my way upstairs in a hurry before anyone notices me, but then I heard a voice from behind.

"And where are you coming from?" My dad asked, I could sense a bit of anger in his voice, I slowly descended the stairs.

"Hi dad, " I greeted once I was standing in from of him, he sat on the couch with his apples laptop not far from him.

"Where are you coming from? I asked"

"I went to see a friend of mine " he stared at me from head to toe, and then his eyes fell on the white poly bag I held.

"And what's that? " he asked

"Oh" I said looking at the bag, as if I'm just seeing it for the first time. "I got some bikinis on the way back" I lied, this is the only way that he will let me off the hook.

Rich: A Nigerian love story Where stories live. Discover now