Chapter Nine

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                      * Daniel *

"Yeah, you look surprised " she said, and I chuckled, "Don't worry, I just got here " she said

"How was your trip? "I asked, and she exhaled deeply.

"It was fun. Just that I feel like I've missed something while I was away" she said, I knew where she was going with this.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, she shrugged.

"Tell me Daniel, what did I miss while I was away? I mean about your boss" she asked and I scratched the back of my head.

"I really don't know what you are talking about Vera. Why would you suddenly start thinking about something like that? Teddy loves you " I lied, and she scoffed.

I know that she loves Teddy wholeheartedly, I just feel pity for her because he likes changing girls like clothes. Even if I know that he doesn't have interest in her anymore, I won't betray him by telling her that. They should handle their problems, I won't get involved.

"I thought as much. It's just right for you to cover up for your friend, I'll see you around" she said and turned to leave.

"Vera, " I called out and she paused, she turned to me again, I sighed "You already know the answer to your question, you don't need anyone to say it to you. Only you can decide whether you want to be happy, or you still want to hurt yourself. " I said, she gave a small laugh and then we both saw Teddy and his bodyguards coming to our direction, looks like we're going out.

I opened the car to get ready, but then something caught my eyes, I turned to Teddy again, and my world stopped, a man was beside him. They were in a deep conversation, and now they were both standing in front of us. It was Sophia's dad, I wonder what he was doing here?

"Are you going to start the car or not? " Teddy asked bringing me out of my thoughts, the bodyguards chuckled, I quickly did as I was told, not having the time to glare at them. But not before greeting Mr. Makun, while bowing down halfway.

They both sat at the back, and the bodyguards took another car, with that, I drove out of the compound with the guards not far behind me. It's the first time I'm seeing him from up close and he doesn't look that old actually. He wore a black senator's wears, making him look like a senator himself. He started pressing his phone, he must be a really busy man. I noticed that Teddy was doing his best to try and get close to him, wait! Did he find out that he's Sophia's dad? Or maybe he just want to sign a deal with him, I need to find out.

"And thanks for dropping me off again" Mr. Makun said and Teddy smiled innocently.

"It's nothing Sir, anything for you " he replied. "I just hope that you will consider my request?" he suddenly said, what request?

"Come on Teddy, this competition is for young artists who wants to become famous. You don't need it, you have passed that level" he said

"Yeah I know, but I just really want to be a part of the cookie annual festival. It has always been my dream, I just want that medal"

The festival was also once a dream of mine, it was all I wanted to do when I was still in to music. Their industry helps young artists grow, and the winner always gets a huge prize at the end of the competition. Thank God I didn't compete, or else I would have made a fool out of myself in front of the world.

"But you made it even without our industry's help. So just forget about it okay?" I heard Teddy sighed,

" I really don't understand why you don't want to put me in the competition, you and I both know that other stars will participate. And this time the winning prize is just insane!" he exclaimed in excitement, but then he quickly composed himself, Teddy cleared his throat. Mr Makun laughed,

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