Chapter Twenty

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Ever since my baby told me that he got Sophie married last night, I couldn't stop laughing at the thought. I didn't think that his discipline will make him do something like this, anyways I'm happy because now she's no longer his number one priority like before, Now, I'm going to have his full attention.

I was even more shocked when he told me that her husband is poor, and so she had to move in with her in laws in Surulere, what? Now I really want to meet this husband of her's, how did she end up down this road? It was so unbelievable. Who would have thought that a materialistic lady like her would end up marrying a poor man.

I decided to visit my baby today, only for me to discover that Sophie and her new family will be visiting, finally I get to meet them. I decided to have a nap in her room, after waking up, I started chatting and just then, she walked in, looking furious, not that I care actually, because at the end, she'll return back to the slums.

After the little scenerio we had, I decided to go downstairs for dinner, I saw that everyone was already at the dining table, I went to sit beside my baby, when I saw the last person I thought I'll ever see again. There he was seated looking right back at me, he looked so surprised as well but then, he quickly masked it before I knew it. I knew that Daniel was poor but I didn't think that it was this bad, oh poor Sophie!

"Oh and everyone, this is Mimi, my girlfriend" My baby said, smiling, and I was forced to fake mine,

"Hello, nice to meet you all" I said, and they all replied, smiling. The surprise on Daniel's face didn't go unnoticed.

I could tell that Daniel's mother didn't like me, maybe because I wore revealing clothes, well she should mind her own business the last time I checked, Sophie is her daughter in law, not me. After Lillian and Sophie joined us, My baby suddenly asked his daughter how she's doing and she reluctantly replied,

"I'm ok!" she said and started playing with her food. Both Sophie and her husband didn't seem to have an appetite, which definitely proves that they're not on good terms. Why is there a part of me that's happy about it?

"Oh I'm sure she's doing great, after all she's married to a really good man" I said in a sarcastic tone, while looking at Daniel, who just stared blankly at me.

I heard his sister Becky cleared her throat, letting us know that she's aware of what's going on. Daniel immediately avert his gaze from me before anyone else notices us.

"Of course he's a good young man Mimi" My baby said, "But how did you know that? I've not told you much about him" he added, looking from me to Daniel, I had a small laugh.

"Come on, babe, you didn't have to tell me anything. I mean, I know that there's no way that you will let our Sophie here marry just anyone." I said the last part placing my hand on Sophie's shoulder, and she removed my hand immediately. I cleared my throat, "And he looks like a good man now that I've seen him face to face" I finished and my baby chuckled.

"I see!" was all he said

"Yeah babe" I replied still smiling, phew! That was close, I just hope he bought it, he's very smart.

"Your house is very nice Sir" Becky said out of nowhere, I tried not to roll my eyes at her, village girl!

"Oh thank you my dear, feel free to come visit anytime, it's your house too" he replied and she squealed.

"Thank you Sir, of course I will, I'm also a huge fan of your's" Becky added and her mother glared at her.

"And who will help me at the shop? lazy girl. Don't mind her my in law, " her mother said and then she drank her juice. Everyone laughed, except for the new couples.

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