Chapter Fifteen

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                       *Daniel *

"Come on Mama... " I was saying but she cut me off

"You haven't answered my question Daniel, " she scolded,

"No, she's not... "

"Are you sure?" She asked,

"Yes Mama, you should know me by now, please " I said

"If she's not pregnant then why did you marry her? When did this wedding happen? Why am I just finding out about it now? What is really going on Daniel?" she asked all in a go.

"Mama, please let me explain it to you, I didn't know I will be getting married today either, it just happened, and I couldn't say no because she is the love of my life" I said, and she shook her head.

And then I told her everything, I told her who Sophie's dad was and how adamant he was that we get married today, after he found out about our relationship. I also told her about how I lied to Sophie about being rich, but she now knows the whole truth. And I ceased the opportunity to tell her a little about Sophie, her new daughter in law, I also told her that Sophie will be staying here for a while. I heard her sigh,

"So you had a girlfriend all this while and you didn't think about telling me. And then all of a sudden, you are married to her" she said, she was really taking this more camly than I expected.

"I'm sorry Mama, please find a place in your heart to forgive me"

"No, I'm not angry oh, I'm just disappointed. Well, the did has already been done, she can stay, as long as she's not lazy or annoying, but the way I'm seeing that girl inside..." she paused and simply shook her head, I chuckled

"Don't worry Mama, I'm sure you both will get along well. You will love her for sure" I said and she had a small laugh.

"So he really wants to see me? " She asked, referring to Sophie's dad and I nodded.

"Yes Mama, he is nice and very humble, he doesn't behave like other proud rich men, he's very down to earth" I said with so much pride, my father in law is the best.

"Oshe, that's nice oh! " she declared happily, "But why did he allow you to marry his daughter in such a short notice? And the manner in which he did it is very amusing. I thought rich men like him would prefer a large wedding, and all that.. " she asked, looking a bit confused,

"Honestly, I don't have an answer to that question Mama, I really don't know why he immediately accepted me as his son in law. I guess he was just being nice, especially since he discovered that I'm not buoyant enough to afford a big wedding." I said what I thought might be his reason for allowing the wedding.

"And her? " she asked, I turned to look at her, "Did she also accept you wholeheartedly even after she learned the truth that you are not rich?" she asked, and I didn't know what to say, as if on cue, my sisters walked in.

"Good evening Mama" They both greeted, and Mama's attention turned to them, I quickly stood up.

"Why did it take you girls so long to get the fuel? Where did you go to?" She asked, I collected the keg from Angel and made my way outside to start the gen. "Becky I'm talking to you " I heard mom say, before I reached outside, she's always the one leading their missions.

After starting the gen, the house became bright and at least the mosquitoes will reduce. I looked at the time on my phone as I made my way inside the house, it was passed 10 pm, damn! I don't plan on sleeping here tonight. I entered the living room to see mom talking to some neighbours, they're probably here to charge their phones. I greeted them and then they left, my sisters were not in sight, it was just me and my mom in the living room. I made my way to my room when she spoke,

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